Saturday, August 31, 2019

Human Rights Violations Essay

Why are Human Rights being violated in the world? Human rights are rights that allow people to have property, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights should be given the day we are born and should be respected. Human rights violations have happened till the present day around the world, in Rwanda with a genocide, in Uganda with the abuse and abduction of children, and in N. Korea with the mistreat of its people. Human rights are being violated because of power, greed, and a corrupt government. The first human violation we will examine is in Rwanda during April-June, 1994. The Hutus killed almost 1,000,000 Tutsis in a period of 100 days, creating one of the largest genocides in history. After the conquer of Belgium on Rwanda, the groups living there, the Hutus and the Tutsis, have disliked each other. Belgium created I.D. Cards to differentiate the Hutus and the Tutsis. Belgium considered the Tutsis to be superior for many years. The Hutus hated that fact and therefore hated the Tutsis. After Belgium left Hutus took over the country and treated the Tutsis like â€Å"roaches†. It was then when the genocide started. Because the Tutsis were superior to the Hutus, they had better jobs and better education. After the takeover of the the Hutus, their hate for the Tutsis increased and they treated them really bad and blamed them for every bad thing. Years later the Hutu president was killed on an airplane explosion. This created a great impact on the Hutus and they obviously blamed the Tutsis. This is when Hutus started to kill as many Tutsis as they could. Tutsis had no chance to fight against the Hutus. The U.N. tried to get involved , but wasn’t worth it because they had really small troops and were not allowed to shoot anyone, in other words, the U.N. could not stop the genocide from happening. After the death of 10 of its people, the U.N. ordered all the whites to leave the country and leaving the Tutsis without hope. Not many Tutsis survived after this terrible genocide. Finally, Kigali, the general leading the Hutus, was captured and everything changed for the Tutsis. Soon after Kigali was captured, the life of the Tutsis became better. The Hutu rebels were kicked out and left Rwanda. Rwanda is now ruled by a Tutsi-led government. The Tutsis and the Hutus still experience conflicts with each other even though they do not share the same communities anymore,this is why Tutsi rebels stay active because their afraid that another genocide will happen. The second human right violation we will examine is in Uganda. The LRA, led by Joseph Kony, has committed one of the worst human rights violation which is the violation against the right of the children since 1987 till present day. He abducts the children to make them soldiers and makes the girls be sex slaves. Even though many people are trying to find Kony, he manages to escape and hide, plus other armies won’t attack him because his army is made up of thousands of children. Children in Uganda live in the fear of being abducted away from their families. The children never feel secure wherever they are. When Kony abducts the children, he sometimes makes them kill their own parents. Kony has been doing this terrible violation because he wants more power and wants to expand his army. Nearly all the people in his army were abducted. Children that are caught trying to escape are severely punished and sometimes killed. Kony calls himself a good Christian and wants to create a government that follows the 10 commandments of the bible, but over 20 years many people have feared his â€Å"Christian movement† because he has killed thousands of people through central Africa. No one has been able to capture Kony, but the UN helps children that mange to escape from the hands of Kony. Kony’s terrible actions such as the abduction of children to make them soldiers or sex-slaves, the destruction of beneficial places for the people, and the murder of thousands of people have made Kony the #1most wanted rebel leader in the world. It is a very big risk to fight against Kony because there are many children that were forced to be in his army and these people don’t want to kill them. In February, 2012, a campaign called â€Å"Invisible Children† was created trying to stop Kony from doing this horrible violations. This campaign let thousand of people know about Kony and his lord’s resistance army so people could help convince the American government to help Uganda and other countries in Africa to capture Kony, unfortunately, the US couldn’t send troops but they did send a group of people to train the Ugandan army to be ready for Kony and capture him. Without the help of Jason Russell, No one would have known about Kony and no one would ever help those poor children living in fear. The last human rights violation we will examine is in North Korea. Kim Jong Un, the new ruler of North Korea has forgotten about his people and worried more about his weapons. He spends more money on weapons than he does on food for the people, letting several people starve to death. Kim Jong is in his 20’s and has ruled only for 4 months. He launched a rocket to celebrate his grandfather’s birthday and to celebrate his entrance as the third generation of the dynasty. He spent about $850 million just to launch this rocket, that’s enough money to buy corn to feed the people for a whole year. The US canceled the agreement that it had with North Korea to provide emergency food aid because of that rocket launch. This decision by the US didn’t seem to affect much North Korea at all. The reason is that North Korea, with its corrupt government, rather have a secure country with advanced military than to feed the people. North Korea spends more money on its military than any other country in the world, it spends 23% of its gross domestic products. Even soldiers suffer of malnutrition, so if the soldiers who are the most important people in the country suffer of this, then the rest of the people must be dying of starvation. Several of the North Korean soldiers suffer of stunted growth because of the lack of nutrients of the country. The people of North Korea, starve because they cannot afford to buy food, because the small portions of food there is in the country are really expensive and most of the people do not have enough money to buy it, the can barely afford really tiny portions. In a orphanage children had not eaten any protein for over a month, not only the people are suffering, but the children are too, and they are the future of that country. Finally the Chinese government decided to help North Korea and provide them with food. This corrupt government led by Kim Jong Un has to stop because it is affecting not only the people but the future for the country which is the children. The genocide in Rwanda, the children abduction and abuse by Kony in Uganda, and the starvation of the people in North Korea are examples of the terrible Human Rights violations that occur in the world till the present day. Wanting power, being greedy, and having a corrupt government have led to these unacceptable violations of the human rights. We just examined only three human rights violations, but who knows what else can be happening in this world.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Impact of Literature on my Personal Growth Essay

The select readings that the class has discussed this semester have covered a variety of literature that has made an impact on how I now view life and the world around me. The stories of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Virgil’s The Aeneid, Jonathan Kirsch’s God against the Gods and Elaine Pagels’ Origin of Satan have affected my personal beliefs to the extent that I have started to think more critically about certain moral issues in life. Impact of Literature Personal Growth In Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, I have finally realized several points and issues about fighting for something and protecting it. I also learned how much risks and sacrifices that these characters of Achilles, Hector, and Odysseus can lay down for the sake of keeping what is rightfully theirs. Each character possesses braveness and honor that enable them to become stronger in their pursuits and battles. The role of women is also notable in these epic stories as their status supports the development of the male characters. Rage—Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus’ son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses, hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls, reat fighters’ souls, but made their bodies carrion, feasts for the dogs and birds, (Iliad, lines 1-5) Achilles, a skillful warrior is introduced in the opening of Homer’s The Iliad. He represents a stereotypical masculinity which is often known as bold, daring, brave, and egotistical. I realized that men of Homer’s time are likely to become more established based on the battle skills that they possessed. When he defeated Hector in public in a single battle, he earns further respect from his colleagues and enemies. Odysseus, on the other hand, is just like any other real man who has a defining character of what a leader should be; nobility, courage, intellect, thirst for glory and authority. He has a loving wife Penelope who perfectly fulfills domestic roles back home. Though she has not seen Odysseus in twenty years, she never loses faith that her husband will come back and that they will live happy again. Her faithfulness and loyalty illustrates a perfect representation of a wife who is truly in love and a woman who is dutiful to her husband. Aenas in The Aeneid, is one of the heroes of classical literature. At some point his character can be associated with that of Jesus Christ. To fully grasp and understand the context of their characters as heroes, one must understand their societal and cultural background. A hero should not be aloof and removed to their present reality. They should conform and adjust but should make a difference. Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Mark and Aenas in the poem of Virgil are heroic characters that illustrate acceptance of the workings and providence of the Gods as fate. They both represent the virtue of accepting and performing one’s duty. Though Aenas is a son of the goddess Venus and who receives special providence from the gods, Aenas is still considered mortal while Jesus is both God and man. Aenas is sometimes driven by his unhappiness and emotional impulses to accept his destined path but he chooses obey and follow still. Aenas is for the glory of Rome but Jesus Christ is for the glory of God, the Father. Meanwhile, Kirsch’s God against the Gods made me think twice about the nature of monotheism and polytheism in our country. Kirsch points out in this book that monotheism is the one responsible for the world war problems today. monotheism turned out to inspire a ferocity and even a fanaticism that are mostly absent from polytheism† (Kirsch 2). I support his claim that monotheism is really a problem if this world needs peace. People have different beliefs and to tell the other that his or her belief is wrong is very crucial to a relationship. With the examples that he pointed out in his book about Jews, Muslims and Christians, I realized that these religions are actually just worshipping a god that has common features. I came to a conclusion that religion is not as important to a person’s spirituality as one’s personal relationship with God. No matter what a person’s religion is, it does not really matter as long as people believe in something and they respect other people’s beliefs as well. Pagels’ Origin of Satan made me realize that amidst the promises of stories about love in The New Testament, the power of Satan is present amongst its stories especially in the crucifixion story. I came to a realization that biblical stories tell more than what meets the eye. With an in-depth analysis, it got me into thinking that to be able to fully understand and comprehend what the Bible really has to offer, I have to finish the book and consult scholarly sources. Conclusion  These stories enable me to think and analyze the world around me and its history in a much critical way. History is written in these books and their still manifesting significance in our society today. Personally, as a Christian I still believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. I eventually conform to the idea of heaven and hell, of the Second Coming, of the body of Sacred Writings but I was restricted to the limits of what my religion teaches me and tells me what to do. However, upon reading these literary works, I realized that as an individual, I must think for myself and conform to the ideas which I think is right as a human being.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Censorship in Huck Finn

Many people claim that the novel is racist due to the frequent use of racial slurs and the disrespect and mistreatment of the character Jim who is a runaway slave. Mark Twain’s famous novel is not a racist text because it is a historical account of the south during the 1840s, when racism was commonplace. The book’s purpose was to emphasize real life and mock the faults in human nature. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a young boy named Huckleberry Finn runs away from his life and travels down the Mississippi River with his friend Jim, a runaway slave. The story follows Huck’s moral growth and maturity throughout his many adventures and experiences. The major turning point of the book is when Huck realizes that Jim cares about him, and that he cares about Jim in return. As a child, Huck is taught that Jim isn’t a person because of his skin color and that he does not deserve respect, but Huck discovers that Jim is a person and deserves more respect than most people Huckleberry met on his journeys. He comes to this decision because Jim cares for him and treats Huck better than his own father. Huck says â€Å"All right, then, I’ll go to hell. when he decides to go against the racist teachings of his childhood and help Jim get his freedom (Twain 216-217). The book was written to show what life was like in the 1840s and successfully revealed the way people viewed each other and people of other races. In the beginning of the story, Huck treats Jim poorly because he is taught that Jim isn’t a real person and h e could get away with it. One of the many tricks Huckleberry plays on Jim was hiding a snake in the cave they were living in, but the snake bites Jim and Huck realizes how cruel his trick was and begins to feel sorry for how he treats Jim (Twain 55). Events like this are the reason people believe that Mark Twain’s book is racist, but without these examples the book’s purpose is muddled and the historical reliability is gone. The book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a controversial text because it contains derogatory language and examples of disrespectful behavior towards people of color. Speech and actions like the ones in the book were common in the setting of the book (Knab 1). People want to ban or edit the original text of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, because of these elements, but they still allow these remarks in other literary works. Fredric Douglass used the same language in his narrative that was published in 1845, forty years before Twain published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but people don’t challenge his work because he was a slave and his story is a historical account of a slave’s life (Bowker). The two stories are based in the same time, are about the same topic, and both aim to be realistic portrayals of everyday life in the 1840s, yet one is constantly challenged while the other is allowed to be as it is. People today are concerned with being â€Å"politically correct† and â€Å"non-offensive†, but they have reached the point where they are willing to change history to protect the feelings of certain people (Kay). If these â€Å"racist† remarks and actions were removed from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the message of the book would not be evident, its historical accuracy destroyed, and the book would just be a meaningless children’s story. Censorship is useful to an extent, it allows people to keep mature information from children, but when it is used on history it takes away from the importance of knowing about and learning from the past. The reason racism is so important to avoid now is because of the negative effects it had in the past. If people don’t learn about these effects, then they can not understand the importance of equality now. When books are censored, their historical accuracy is lost and they are unable to educate people on the importance of the past to modern-day (Kay). Without learning about the good, bad, and ugly of the past, people wont be able to comprehend why the world is the way it is and how they can avoid the mistakes of the past. If the offensive content of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is removed, then people will not be able to see the severity of racism during the 1840s (Bosman). If the book is censored, then the point where Pap starts ranting about the â€Å"injustice† of a well educated black man being able to vote will not have the impact it should, representing the opinion of the average white male in the south (Twain 28). The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is seen as a masterpiece (Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) and a classic (Robert O’Meally) due to the original riting and arrangement. Without these elements, that people want to change, the book would not be as renowned or highly regarded. Although The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn may have some content that offends some people and they believe that it would be better to remove the offensive content, it would take away from the plot and meaning of the story. If the novel really offends someone, then they do not have to read it again or even finish reading it, but they do not have the right to change the words of someone else to suit their own ideals. The words of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were all carefully picked by Mark Twain to carry the message of his story and editing them would be defacing his hard work. Twain often complained about his proofreaders and editors changing his work (Kurutz). The book was written by Mark Twain and if he saw the need to add these controversial elements, then we should not interfere with his decision or his historical accuracy (Kay). Then novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text, nor is Mark Twain a racist himself. Mark Twain’s novel was written as a historical account of life in the 1840s and as a result, any content that could be considered offensive to some is all added to make the literary work more realistic and a more accurate portrayal of life in the setting. Without these elements, the story of Huckleberry’s moral growth would not be as developed and the message of the book will not be as prominent. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be censored because the way the book is written provides an accurate account of life in the 1840s and without the writing staying as it is, the whole integrity of the work will be diminished. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a classic because of how it was written. Changing the text changes the whole book and since the book is so highly regarded as it is, it should remain the same. When people claim that a book is racist, they make this assumption based on the content of the book. What people need to note is when the book is set, its publication date, and the purpose of the offensive content. With The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the story takes place in the 1840s when racism was very common. It also was published in 1885 when people in the United States were struggling with racism after the Civil War. The offensive content of the book is used to portray what life was like in the 1840s and to mock the behavior of the people of that time. When the book was written, language like that used in the text was still common and not seen as offensive as it does now. Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not racist, it just contains racist content, and this content makes the story what it is and develops its meaning. To take away this major element of the literary work to protect the feelings of some individuals would ruin the story and would hurt more people than it would help. To censor The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would take away a valuable source of historical knowledge that allows us to see the importance of how our society has changed and developed. Without this knowledge, people will forget the importance of the progress humankind has made and will not be able to avoid the mistakes we have already made as a whole in the past. Because of these reasons, changing the great literary work of Mark Twain Is unnecessary because The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text and exposure to the harsh realities in the story will help the people of today to truly understand our past as a whole and improve our future. Works Cited Page Bosman, Julie. â€Å"Publisher Tinkers with Twain. † National Post. 4 Jan 2011. Print. Bowker, Gene. â€Å"Mark Twain, racism and Huckleberry Finn. † Examiner. com. Web. 9 Feb 2013 ;http://www. examiner. om/article/mark-twain-racism-and-huckleberry-finn; Kay, Barbara. â€Å"We Shouldn’t Censor History. † National Post. 10 Jan 2011. Print. Knab, Jakob. Racism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 2011. Print. Kurutz,, Steven. â€Å"A Twain Scholar Reacts to the New, Censored Version ‘Huckleberry Finn’. † National Post. 9 Jan 2011. Print. PBS. â€Å"Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. † Web. 9 Feb 2013 ;http: //www. pbs. org/wgbh/cultureshock/flashpoints/literature/huck. html; Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2003. Print. Censorship in Huck Finn Many people claim that the novel is racist due to the frequent use of racial slurs and the disrespect and mistreatment of the character Jim who is a runaway slave. Mark Twain’s famous novel is not a racist text because it is a historical account of the south during the 1840s, when racism was commonplace. The book’s purpose was to emphasize real life and mock the faults in human nature. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a young boy named Huckleberry Finn runs away from his life and travels down the Mississippi River with his friend Jim, a runaway slave. The story follows Huck’s moral growth and maturity throughout his many adventures and experiences. The major turning point of the book is when Huck realizes that Jim cares about him, and that he cares about Jim in return. As a child, Huck is taught that Jim isn’t a person because of his skin color and that he does not deserve respect, but Huck discovers that Jim is a person and deserves more respect than most people Huckleberry met on his journeys. He comes to this decision because Jim cares for him and treats Huck better than his own father. Huck says â€Å"All right, then, I’ll go to hell. when he decides to go against the racist teachings of his childhood and help Jim get his freedom (Twain 216-217). The book was written to show what life was like in the 1840s and successfully revealed the way people viewed each other and people of other races. In the beginning of the story, Huck treats Jim poorly because he is taught that Jim isn’t a real person and h e could get away with it. One of the many tricks Huckleberry plays on Jim was hiding a snake in the cave they were living in, but the snake bites Jim and Huck realizes how cruel his trick was and begins to feel sorry for how he treats Jim (Twain 55). Events like this are the reason people believe that Mark Twain’s book is racist, but without these examples the book’s purpose is muddled and the historical reliability is gone. The book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a controversial text because it contains derogatory language and examples of disrespectful behavior towards people of color. Speech and actions like the ones in the book were common in the setting of the book (Knab 1). People want to ban or edit the original text of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, because of these elements, but they still allow these remarks in other literary works. Fredric Douglass used the same language in his narrative that was published in 1845, forty years before Twain published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but people don’t challenge his work because he was a slave and his story is a historical account of a slave’s life (Bowker). The two stories are based in the same time, are about the same topic, and both aim to be realistic portrayals of everyday life in the 1840s, yet one is constantly challenged while the other is allowed to be as it is. People today are concerned with being â€Å"politically correct† and â€Å"non-offensive†, but they have reached the point where they are willing to change history to protect the feelings of certain people (Kay). If these â€Å"racist† remarks and actions were removed from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the message of the book would not be evident, its historical accuracy destroyed, and the book would just be a meaningless children’s story. Censorship is useful to an extent, it allows people to keep mature information from children, but when it is used on history it takes away from the importance of knowing about and learning from the past. The reason racism is so important to avoid now is because of the negative effects it had in the past. If people don’t learn about these effects, then they can not understand the importance of equality now. When books are censored, their historical accuracy is lost and they are unable to educate people on the importance of the past to modern-day (Kay). Without learning about the good, bad, and ugly of the past, people wont be able to comprehend why the world is the way it is and how they can avoid the mistakes of the past. If the offensive content of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is removed, then people will not be able to see the severity of racism during the 1840s (Bosman). If the book is censored, then the point where Pap starts ranting about the â€Å"injustice† of a well educated black man being able to vote will not have the impact it should, representing the opinion of the average white male in the south (Twain 28). The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is seen as a masterpiece (Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) and a classic (Robert O’Meally) due to the original riting and arrangement. Without these elements, that people want to change, the book would not be as renowned or highly regarded. Although The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn may have some content that offends some people and they believe that it would be better to remove the offensive content, it would take away from the plot and meaning of the story. If the novel really offends someone, then they do not have to read it again or even finish reading it, but they do not have the right to change the words of someone else to suit their own ideals. The words of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were all carefully picked by Mark Twain to carry the message of his story and editing them would be defacing his hard work. Twain often complained about his proofreaders and editors changing his work (Kurutz). The book was written by Mark Twain and if he saw the need to add these controversial elements, then we should not interfere with his decision or his historical accuracy (Kay). Then novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text, nor is Mark Twain a racist himself. Mark Twain’s novel was written as a historical account of life in the 1840s and as a result, any content that could be considered offensive to some is all added to make the literary work more realistic and a more accurate portrayal of life in the setting. Without these elements, the story of Huckleberry’s moral growth would not be as developed and the message of the book will not be as prominent. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be censored because the way the book is written provides an accurate account of life in the 1840s and without the writing staying as it is, the whole integrity of the work will be diminished. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered a classic because of how it was written. Changing the text changes the whole book and since the book is so highly regarded as it is, it should remain the same. When people claim that a book is racist, they make this assumption based on the content of the book. What people need to note is when the book is set, its publication date, and the purpose of the offensive content. With The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the story takes place in the 1840s when racism was very common. It also was published in 1885 when people in the United States were struggling with racism after the Civil War. The offensive content of the book is used to portray what life was like in the 1840s and to mock the behavior of the people of that time. When the book was written, language like that used in the text was still common and not seen as offensive as it does now. Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not racist, it just contains racist content, and this content makes the story what it is and develops its meaning. To take away this major element of the literary work to protect the feelings of some individuals would ruin the story and would hurt more people than it would help. To censor The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would take away a valuable source of historical knowledge that allows us to see the importance of how our society has changed and developed. Without this knowledge, people will forget the importance of the progress humankind has made and will not be able to avoid the mistakes we have already made as a whole in the past. Because of these reasons, changing the great literary work of Mark Twain Is unnecessary because The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a racist text and exposure to the harsh realities in the story will help the people of today to truly understand our past as a whole and improve our future. Works Cited Page Bosman, Julie. â€Å"Publisher Tinkers with Twain. † National Post. 4 Jan 2011. Print. Bowker, Gene. â€Å"Mark Twain, racism and Huckleberry Finn. † Examiner. com. Web. 9 Feb 2013 ;http://www. examiner. om/article/mark-twain-racism-and-huckleberry-finn; Kay, Barbara. â€Å"We Shouldn’t Censor History. † National Post. 10 Jan 2011. Print. Knab, Jakob. Racism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 2011. Print. Kurutz,, Steven. â€Å"A Twain Scholar Reacts to the New, Censored Version ‘Huckleberry Finn’. † National Post. 9 Jan 2011. Print. PBS. â€Å"Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. † Web. 9 Feb 2013 ;http: //www. pbs. org/wgbh/cultureshock/flashpoints/literature/huck. html; Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2003. Print.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 7

International Marketing - Essay Example This marketing plan identifies a new marketing strategy for the organisation in order to improve its contemporary image. The plan recommends an integrated marketing communications strategy involving many elements of public relations theory and practice. Currently, the mission of the London’s Ships of Historic Interest Partnership is to â€Å"provide a valuable source of information and inspiration, as well as facilities to inform and educate the public on our need of the sea† ( 2010, p.1). In most respects, the current communications strategy is that of information exchange as a primary goal. This is not working effectively to build consumer interest and raise revenues needed to offset the costs of renovation in order to make these old vessels gleam with modern appeal to diverse consumer audiences. They key is to change the marketing message being delivered. The objectives of the new and enhanced marketing strategy are to remove the emphasis on education and information, making the venue appear more exciting and relevant to the needs of a new style of consumer target group. The goal is to increase revenues by 30-40 percent within one year, using a blend of public relations strategies and modernised communication practices. The plan anticipates turning the attraction around from being a niche activity to a broad-based tourist hotspot that appeals to mass markets with varying demographics and lifestyle values. Reassessment of current marketing strategy led to a variety of marketing literature that was mainly focused on the use of Internet tools, from website development to use of social networking tools as the main focus for promotion. However, this strategy had no direct linkage to relevant tourism sites and therefore was an inferior promotional strategy. This could be due to the fact that the current target market is misaligned with revenue goals,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Unit 9 db Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 9 db - Research Paper Example Therefore, to deal with such pitfalls, I would like to recommend that the manager should not have used a phone to communicate such an official message. Instead, he would have used an email, written a letter or insisted on face-to-face communication. This would give him an opportunity to formalize the communication or get a chance to engage Lei on a direct communication. Besides, I would like to recommend that Lei should have given out clear responses to the manager. She should not have merely stated her answers without explaining it. This confused the manager since he could not clearly understand her (Terry, 2008). Lastly, I would recommend that Lei should have not given an immediate response to the manager. Because this was a very sensitive matter, she should have taken time to synthesize the message and consult the relevant stakeholders before giving out a conclusive response (Argenti, 2009). If she could have done this, she would not have conflicted with the manager for bringing her the invoice for the new equipment whose purchase would be a costly affair for the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Society, Ethics and Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Society, Ethics and Technology - Essay Example Reference will also be made from other sources to expound on the concept. Why does Cowan believe it is important to examine technologies in the context of technological systems? What advantage does this broader perspective give to planners? Give a specific current technological example (not it the reading) in support of your answer. Technological concepts cannot be understood clearly without a determined focus on technological systems. The knowledge includes an understanding of the input, output, transformation, control and interdependency to other systems (Winston and Edelbach, 2012). Technological systems have led to increased levels of productivity at all sectors of the economy leading to changes in lifestyles. The improvement in technological systems has led to globalization, with people becoming more reliant and interdependent on one another than ever before. Technological systems are the perfect indicators of advancement in technology for any nation. For instance, although the American industrialization began in the early 1780’s, the instability of its technological system was hampered by the civil war. This delayed the attainment of the status of an industrialized nation until the end of the civil war. ... The improvement in living and working conditions is caused by the presence of advanced technology. Some of the current technological systems include the electric, telephone and petroleum systems. Examining technology in the context of technological systems enables the planners to identify those areas of human life that require technological advancement, and thus design the most effective and efficient system for improvement. The aspects of human culture that conflict with technological advancement can also be aligned for a beneficial coexistence. An example of the impact of recent technological systems on technology is the improvement in the medical technology that has witnessed the use of advanced technologies such as kidney dialysis machines that have enhanced the efficiency of intravenous therapy. Landes argues that there were cultural differences between the East and Middle East and the West that affected the development and application of some technologies such as the clock. Did these differences also affect the way these cultures approached information technologies such as the printing press? Can you make a comparison with the different approaches taken by Eastern and Middle Eastern and Western cultures today and current information technologies? The cultural diversity that characterized the East, Middle East and the West led to the modification of the individual technologies to suit societal demand. The Chinese cultural language is written in ideographs and does not submit itself to the current changes in the language patterns. This explains the increased popularity of full page block printing among the Chinese, contrary to movable type that is more preferred by the West (Winston and Edelbach, 2012, pp.

Forensic computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Forensic computing - Essay Example A user can use criteria such as size, filename, creation and modified dates in locating files. The search results returned by OS forensics are made available in different views which include the timeline view, thumbnail view and file listing (Beijnum, 2009, p. 23). This helps the user determine the pattern of activity on the computer and know where significant file change occurred. Besides locating the files, this tool can go further to search within contents of each file for a full analysis. OS forensics has a powerful pre-indexed search capability that offers full text search to hundreds of file formats. Below is a list of what results OS forensics can offer: Highlighting Wildcard searches Relevance ranked search results Exclusion searches Date sorting or date range searching Exact phrase matching "Google-like" context results File listing view of search results The file formats that can be indexed by OS forensics include: RTF, WPD, SWF, DJVU, DOC, PDF, PPT, XLS, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF F, XLSX, MHT, ZIP, MP3, DWF, DOCX, PPTX and more. In addition, it has a feature that helps analyze files so as to determine their file type if they lack file extension. The advanced hashing algorithm in OS forensics can help create a unique fingerprint that is used to identify a file. OS forensics can help the investigator to organize the evidence discovered into a cryptographically secure single file. The expert can add more results and evidence to the case file for future reference and analysis and be confident that the case file cannot be tampered with. Case management helps the user to organize and aggregate case items and results from OS forensics. An advantage of this software is that it can be installed and run from a USB flash drive thus helps you in keeping your investigation tools and reports with you when you are mobile (Cansolvo & Scholtz, 2004, p. 85). A user should avoid installing any software on the target machine so as to avoid the risk of unintentionally overwritin g or deleting valuable forensic data left by the suspect. With OS forensics, the computer expert can export case files as customizable and accessible reports that show all the evidence gathered. This feature helps to deliver a summary of readable forensic findings to law enforcement agents or clients at any time during the investigation. OS forensics can be used to retrieve e-mail messages directly from their archives without the need to install email client programs such as thunderbird or Outlook (Dimitrova, Bellotti, Lozanova & Roumenin, 2011). It reads directly into the archive and displays everything from message headers, HTML, Rich Text Format and regular Text. Supported file formats are: Mbox for thunderbird, UNIX mail, Eudora and more. Pst for outlook. Msg for outlook. Dbx for outlook express. Eml for outlook express. All the attachments associated with the specified email can be extracted too. Email searching functionality embedded in OS forensics can be used to quickly sear ch across all the content in the email’s archive effectively. OS forensics Email Viewer The forensic value of carrying out the processes described above may vary depending on various factors such as who needs the information and for what purpose is the information in question needed (Lin & Stead, 2009, p. 67). This valuable

Sunday, August 25, 2019

CEO Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CEO Compensation - Essay Example y, the works that are expected for the CEO to perform, and the economic status of the company, if it is gaining much for a certain period that will qualify whether the CEO deserved the amount of pay. As noted by Solomon (2007), survey says that the CEOs in the US are really overpaid because there is â€Å"an absence of objective ways to measure an executive performance†. Secondly, much is expected from an American company so these companies live up with the expectations. Tough competitions set in, and to stay on â€Å"top†, companies must hire the â€Å"best† CEO to run their company. And the â€Å"best way† to have the â€Å"best† CEO to come and stay in the company is to lure them with excessive salaries and benefits even before they will produce results as what most CEOs in the US enjoy now. Japanese CEOs generally received much lower levels of compensation compared to their counterparts in the US. As reported by Wiseman and Del Jones (2009) in the USA Today, CEOs of big companies only earned an average of $809, 000 in 2003, with a difference of $11.4 million compared with the CEOs of the US. This fact alone, however, is not sufficient to imply that U.S. CEOs are overpaid. It is because big companies in Japan are generally smaller compared to big companies in the US. Relatively, it is unfair to compare the compensation received by CEOs of small companies to big companies. On the other hand, the practices of US companies in encouraging CEOs to join them are not being practiced in Japan. As Wiseman and Del Jones (2009) noted â€Å"Japanese firms rarely poach talent from rival firms, outbidding each other for management superstars†. Usually, CEOs of companies in Japan were previously rank-and-file employees of the company they are working with who worked hard for th e company for several years until they reached the top position. Chief executive officers of US companies are very much benefited when there is an increase if the company’s value within a certain period.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Neoclassicism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Neoclassicism - Assignment Example (Kleiner, 2008, p.769). Marat was a writer who supported revolution and also he was a friend of David. Marat ws assassinated in 1783. A member of the rival political faction had stabbed him to death when he was having his medicinal bath to cope with his long-term skin disease that he fell prey to, while hiding from the King’s soldiersin Paris’s seweres. (Kleiner, 2008, p.769). David has used a simple and clear style in this painting. He has intentionally avoided the Macabre and presented Marat as a romantic tragic hero. The pen and paper in his hands remind the onlooker that he was deeply engrossed in his service to revolution as a writer right up to his last breath. The face of Marat is painted as suffering from pain, still full of grace. In his hands, there is a petition that either the assassin brought with her or he was preparing for some poor unfortunate person, to get assistance from a widow of a martyr of the revolution. All this attention given to details raises the virtues of the deceased in the eyes of the beholder. The skin problems that Marat suffered from were intentionally avoided in the painting. In his early years as a painter, David had followed the Rococo style of painting which was considered trendy in those days. But after seeing the renaissance period Greek paintings while he was studying in Rome, he renounced the decorative style of Rococo as â€Å"artificial† and â€Å"exalted the â€Å"perfect form† of Greek art† (Kleiner, 2008, p.769). Art historians have pointed to the resemblance of this painting to the depiction of Christ in Michelangelo’s Pieta’ (Kleiner, 2008, p.769). The arms that are hanging down in both paintings have a similarity un-surpassed by even the eyes of a person with least training in understanding art. This likeness has remained a major source of controversy regarding the ideological positions reflected in this

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fixed Costs Impact of The Optimal Level of Publisher Output Essay

Fixed Costs Impact of The Optimal Level of Publisher Output - Essay Example The essay "Fixed Costs Impact of The Optimal Level of Publisher Output" talks about the fixed costs and their effect on the optimal level of output in the context of the publisher. This is because as per the argument presented earlier, the optimizing level of the publisher output is at the point where Marginal Cost (MC) = Marginal Revenue (MR). Fixed costs have no impact at all on the profit maximizing output of the author. The earlier the author takes a simple percentage of retail prices. Fixed costs do not vary at all regardless of the variance in output. A variance in a firm’s fixed cost outlays has no impact upon the price levels for profit maximization. An example is a scenario where fixed costs are escalated and the impact observed on the price of profit-maximization is none as well as output. This is as long as that company remains in business. To offset rises in fixed costs, the firm’s management can do nothing at all. The reason is that fixed costs do not vary at all with a variance in output levels by definition. Thus, whether the business is booming or in a trough, fixed costs remain the same. The optimal condition MPl/Pl = MPk/Pk is mathematically derived in a case of optimization in a scenario of two outputs. These outputs are capital and labor. For the manufacturer to optimize production, they assume that the function of production Q is a function of both labor and capital as well as the fact that the costs to the firm are prices of the resources and fixed costs times the units of every factor employed.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Rational Thought and Technological Advancement Essay Example for Free

Rational Thought and Technological Advancement Essay 1 The notion of rational thought is a very strong reason technology has become so influential in the world today. The opening of the mind influenced all ways of life and society. Major ideas blossomed like politics, governing laws, literature, art, history, and new inventions. Scientific thinking was groundbreaking. Ideas of mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and anatomy engrossed the public. The revolution of rational thought dominated society and began a transition because people began using reason to explain human and natural events, rather than the gods. Many Philosophers with their rational thought put things in motion for people to begin to question what influenced their lives in the time of Enlightenment and the French Revolution. Rational thinking gave birth to new inventors to include Hero or Heron of Alexandria. It also made its impact on the way inventions would work throughout history into modern times. Three major contributors to the theory of rational thought were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. With their search for more knowledge came newer teaching for others, which began a new revolution of education. People were questioning the major factors that ran their lives. The rights people were questioning were their choice of religion, their social standing, and their government and laws. Within these times new governments and laws were formed along with new theories of art and new technological advances. Scientific thinking was groundbreaking among Greek minds. Ideas of mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and anatomy engro ssed the public. During times like the industrial revolution technology came into play through rational thought. People began to think of ways to better themselves and took on the theory to better their work. People began to question the meanings of life and began using their minds to expand the world. Even today, rational thought is used by all of us and continues to influence society. 2 The creation of rational thought began with the Age of Enlightenment. People believed that human reason could be used to combat ignorance, superstition, and tyranny and to build a better world. Their principal targets were religion (embodied in France in the Catholic Church) and the domination of society by a hereditary aristocracy. (Brian, Paul) The citizens were open to new ideas and influenced by traders from around the world. Laws were invented and written down to express the will of their society. Although, monarchies still often ruled during the 1700s, but with less security than in earlier times. The English executed their king in 1642, France executed their king and queen (in 1793 and 1794 respectively) during the French Revolution, and other European monarchies soon fell. Royal instability suggested insecurity of the social order over which aristocracies had ruled. (McClure, Beverly) During the Age of Enlightenment politics and democracy exploded. The French Revolution began due to the fact that people were now thinking of themselves and not how they could serve others. The French Revolution, was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France that had a lasting impact on French hi story and more broadly throughout Europe. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed within three years. French society underwent an epic transformation, as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from radical left-wing political groups, masses on the streets, and peasants in the countryside. Old ideas about tradition and hierarchy regarding monarchs, aristocrats, and the Catholic Church were abruptly overthrown by new principles liberty, equality and fraternity. The royal houses across Europe were horrified and led a counter-crusade that by 1814 had restored the old monarchy, but many 3 major reforms became permanent. So too did antagonisms between the supporters and enemies of the Revolution, who fought it out politically over the next two centuries. People were also thinking of how they could make their individual lives better. New inventions to include the Millennium Clock, the spinning jenny, and steam powered products were realized during this time. Although steam powered products were not really realized until this time they were invented long before. Hero or Heron of Alexandria was an ancient Greek mathematician and engineer who was active in his native city of Alexandria, Roman Egypt. He is considered the greatest experimenter of antiquity and his work is representative of the Hellenistic scientific tradition. Hero published a well-recognized description of a steam-powered device called an aeolipile (hence sometimes called a Hero engine). Among his most famous inventions was a wind wheel, constituting the earliest instance of wind harnessing on land. He is said to have been a follower of the Atomists. Some of his ideas were derived from the works of Ctesibius. Although, much of Heros original writings and designs have been lost, but some of his works were preserved in Arab manuscripts. The first steam powered invention fully used turned up in the 18th century. Since the beginning of the 18th century, many inventors and designers had been hard at work trying to get steam to function as an industrial power source. Many technical problems stood in the way, but one inventor, James Watts, took the bull by the horns and developed a condenser, a double-acting engine and governor to make the steam engine practical as a new energy source. After the Revolution, Politicians and citizens were able to debate issues and question justice. This form of independent thinking brought great pride and self-confidence to members of 4 society. On 10 June 1789, Abbà © Sieyà ¨s moved that the Third Estate, now meeting as the Communes proceed with verification of its own powers and invite the other two estates to take part, but not to wait for them. They proceeded to do so two days later, completing the process on 17 June. Then they voted a measure far more radical, declaring themselves the National Assembly, an assembly not of the Estates but of the People. Philosophy and rational thinking continued to grow throughout the world in the next few centuries. Rational thought had become the most dominant ideology in Western Civilization. Philosophers aimed to examine human happiness, self-control, and equality. Also, there was a major focus on the study of science. Understanding the world from the human required many philosophers to devote immense research in science. In turn this influenced how the western world reasoned and used rational thought. This allowed for huge successes for further Philosophy, architecture, a rt, mathematics, anatomy, botany, literature, and creativity. A few Greek philosophers named Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were rational thinkers who influenced their worlds. These three contemporary wise men influenced Western Civilization and technology with their quest for knowledge and thought, and their writings that are still widely read today! Socrates believed that knowledge was the key to good life and that knowledge led to happy citizens with good moral conduct.(Kemerling, Garth) One of the best known sayings of Socrates is I only know that I know nothing. The conventional interpretation of this remark is that Socrates wisdom was limited to an awareness of his own ignorance. Socrates believed wrongdoing was a consequence of ignorance and those who did wrong knew 5 no better. The one thing Socrates consistently claimed to have knowledge of was the art of love, which he connected with the concept of the love of wisdom, i.e., philosophy. He never actually claimed to be wise, only to understand the path a lover of wisdom must take in pursuing it. It is debatable whether Socrates believed humans (as opposed to gods like Apollo) could actually become wise. On the one hand, he drew a clear line between human ignorance and ideal knowledge; on the other, Platos Symposium (Diotimas Speech) and Republic (Allegory of the Cave) describe a method for ascending to wisdom. His beliefs and questions angered many of his peers so much, that they convicted him of corrupting society and sentenced him to death. Plato was Socrates student and â€Å"he displays in his works his absorption in the political events and intellectual movements of his time, but the questions he raises are so profound and the strategies he uses for tackling them so richly suggestive and pr ovocative that educated readers of nearly every period have in some way been influenced by him, and in practically every age there have been philosophers who count themselves Platonists in some important respects†.(Kraut, Richard) He sought knowledge on creating a perfect society. Also, he opened a school for rational thought called the Academy. In this school, he stressed that knowledge was found through debate and the conflict created from them. There is great debate on how Plato died. There are many theories to include him dying in his sleep and dying at a wedding feast. The last of the three great Greek philosophers was Aristotle. Aristotle was a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He was a writer of logic, politics, and biology. He summarized most of the previous knowledge of philosophy into his own writings. Aristotle collected constitutions from many Greek states, researched them, and provided ideas for greater political thought. Questions arose from every 6 debate or conversation and rational thought exploded. Due to the rise of all the questions on life, and possible answers, rational thought surfaced. New centers for education began opening around the world. These centers spread new ideas including: writing and rhetoric, mathematics, innovations, arts, technologies, and medicines. Also, there was a major focus on the study of science. Understanding the world from the human required many philosophers to devote immense research in science. In turn this influenced how the western world reasoned and used rational thought. Rational Thinking began to grow. It made people begin to think of things in a whole new light, to include how their lives could be made easier with new inventions. Alexandria was the site of creative inventors and scientific researchers. Citizens there built a huge library called the House of the Muses. The library grew to include star observatories, lecture halls, and laboratories, and also held over half a million manu scripts. Rational thought allowed scientists and inventors a better understanding of the world around them. Mathematicians like Euclid and Archimedes studied geometry and higher mathematics (Encyclopedia Britannica). Archimedes also invented a screw pump that lifted water from the ground. (Noel, William) Others invented navigational instruments and mapmaking abilities for ships out at sea, built small steam engines, and even washing machines. Geographers tried to map the world, while astronomers questioned life outside the world. Alexandria was, unfortunately, destroyed by the Christians in the fourth century. (Chesser, Preston) Imagine what the world would be like if all the knowledge and 7 research had made it out of Alexandria. The information that did survive the destruction continues to help researchers to this day. Overall, rational thought is something most of us take for granted. It is from the rational thought influence that we are able to think for ourselves and make well thought out decisions. Rational thought gave the individual a new outlook on their daily lives and how they could step away from the old way of living under the heel of the church. It is from the Greek influence that we are able to think for ourselves and make rational decisions. Great minds have helped contribute to this great civilization we live in. The world has forever been changed by the ability to reason and question reality. Without the humble beginnings of rational thought our world may not be as advanced in technology as it is today. The Western world has forever been changed by the ability to reason and question reality. Many future civilizations used the thoughts of famous Greeks a nd today rational thought is more powerful than ever. The most valuable things in the world are just trinkets compared to the value of the mind. From the beginning of the age rational thought our modern civilizations have been based around how to make our lives easier with better decisions. We are accustomed to thinking of rationality as a feature of modern societies. Modernity has been accompanied by an unprecedented growth of science and the breakdown of many taboos. We are able, as our ancestors were not, to question everything, choose our leaders, and 8 build on reliable knowledge accumulated over the past few hundred years. This is why modernity appears to us as a value that must be preserved. References Brian, Paul 1998, â€Å"The Enlightment†, Washington University McClure, Beverly, â€Å"The Enlightenment, Age of Reason† Southwest Tennessee Community College Kemerling, Garth, â€Å"Socrates† (1997) Kraut, Richard, Plato, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (summer 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Britannica, Encyclopedia, 2006, â€Å"The Elements†, Noel, William, â€Å"The Archimedes Palimpsest†, (2006), Chesser, Preston â€Å"The Burning of the Library of Alexandria†, (2002),

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Generation X by Douglas Coupland Essay Example for Free

Generation X by Douglas Coupland Essay Generation X was Coupland’S controversial title which was derived from the work of Paul Fusell, category X in 1983. In his interview in 1995 Coupland explained that Fusell’s classification of X category were people who circulated in rounds of money, status and social climbing that describe the modern existence. But looking at the Coupland’s novel, it is very different from Fusell’s work. The people he is referring to as generation X are the people born after 1960. The whole novel rotates around the contemporary society issues: love intrigues, adventure, friendship among other themes (Reed). These themes are not new since they existed even in during the times of great philosophers. It is for this reason that I think Marx, Durkheim, and Weber apply to the Coupland’s novel, generation X. Although the novel reveals a lot of friendship and love between some characters there is an aspect of social deviance developing between the modern generation and the past. Emile Durkheim is perhaps the most popular in the field of deviance and his ideas are therefore applicable in this novel. In his argument in the division of society (Huang 63), Durkheim says that differences in a collective society and deviant society contribute to the basis of theoretical framework which outlines reasons as to why people violate norms. On the other hand, his appreciation that deviance in most cases enhances social cohesion provides foundation for theories that examines why deviant labeling occur (62). During the 1995 interview (Reed 3rd par), Coupland on his side revealed that his novel wondered why his generation is being labeled as members of baby boomer when they are capable of thinking by themselves. The idea of social differentiation also seems to crop up in the novel (Coupland 67) hence bringing the three philosophers closer to the novel. In the novel, there are several generation; the first one is the older generation of Mr. and Mrs. Mcarthur, second is the generation X where Andy, Claire and Dag belongs and finally the generation Y for Tyler who is Andy’s younger brother . According to Durkheim, social differentiation contributes not only to deviant conduct but also deviant labeling in more differentiated societies (Schmaus 56). In the novel, which represents the contemporary society, this deviance conduct and labeling is witnessed throughout the novel. The members of older generational view those of generational X and generation Y as some how spoiled and refer to them as global teens (Coupland 48). In his theory about the relationship between the society and individuals, Karl Marx noted that the society is highly stratified because the people who worked the hardest were also the people who received the least as the fruits of their labor (Shlomo 152). Like in the novel, Karl Marx looked forward to a society that accounted for social change. Although Coupland and Karl Max talks of classes of people, the two fail to agree in their classification. Karl Max concentrated on the Proteliant or the majority in the society and the Bourgeois who are the minority. He argues that the former live in substandard living condition while the later have all that life have to offer (Shlomo 160). Coupland classes of people in the society are the older generation and the younger generation. However, like what is contained in Karl Marx ideas, the young generation belongs to the marginalized group with lousy jobs while the old generation view themselves as the think tanks and the wisest. The young characters in the novel try to pull themselves from the characters that belong to the past. Dag’s love interest for example always find herself looked up in the past without realizing what is happening in the modern world. Like the rest, Weber in his work analyses the modern society (Burris 122). He discusses the concept of bureaucracies which according to him is the foundation of social stabilization, cultural symbols and channel of good and services to the modern society (132). He points out that it is the charismatic ideas and not old ideas that change the society (133). But, Marx Weber also brings in a very interesting contribution to the novel, the issue of love and friendship. Weber controversial love life seems close to what was happening in the Coupland (56, 74,132). In his bachelorhood he developed a romantic interest with his cousin Emmy Baumagarten who lived in Strasbourg (Hoenisch 1st par). Weber’s love for Emmerling as he used to call her darling continued for more than eight years despite opposition from both families. During this time their love emotions were bulging with a series of letters and spent several days of their sweet closeness in poetry of string (3rd par). It was in 1887 in his second military as a reserve officer in Strasbourg that Weber had an amorous but not sexual encounter with Emmy (7th par). According to the novel, there exist a very big difference in perception of ideas between the old generation and the modern generation. The difference which is a source of conflict between the generations is what links the three philosophers to the novel. The questions raised in the novel are both relevant and applicable to the contemporary social life but at the same time they refer to classical sociological theories of the â€Å"primitive† generation. It is clear from the novel that each generation is faced by its unique problems which can be solved only by that particular generation alone. It is important to point out that in the increasing globalization and industrialization world of the 21st century the economical, political and sociological landscape is likely to suffer from deepening and widening class struggle. Whether primitive, revolutionary or reformist, the old generation feels obliged to address this issue. Ultimately, Weber, Marx and Durkheim each provided conflicting accounts regarding the ways in which the urban societies of their time was deficient, and what was required to fix it (Schmaus 74). The younger cannot bear the consequences of ignoring the wise ideas the old and it is therefore necessary to embrace unity in diversity while handling societal problems aiming at acquiring necessary social change and stability. References Burris, V. The Neo-Marxist blend of Marx and Weber on Class in: Norbert Wiley (Ed. ), The Marx-Weber dispute. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications, 1997. Coupland, D. Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. Canada: St. Martins Press, March 15, 1991 Hoenisch, S. Max Weber’s personal life 1886-1893. 1995. November 27, 2008. http://www. uvm. edu/~lkaelber/research/weber2. html Huang, W. S. â€Å"Durkheims rules of sociological method. † Journal for offender therapy comparative crime, (2004): 63-75,. Reed, J. 2001. Generation X: tales for an accelerated culture by Douglas Coupland. www. opendemocracy. net/arts/generation Shlomo, A. The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx. Cambridge: University Press, 2001. Schmaus, W. â€Å"Explanation and real meaning in Rules of sociological method and division Of labor in society. † Journal Of Sociological Perspectives Spring, (1995): 57-76,. .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Disorder That Affects The Endocrine System Medical Essay

A Disorder That Affects The Endocrine System Medical Essay The patient chosen to partake in this project is a 54 year old male of Asian origin, diagnosed 8 years ago, at 46 years old suffering from Type II Diabetes. Health Issue Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder that affects the endocrine system, as it is this system that controls and regulates the hormones (chemical messengers) release into their target cells. Therefore, diabetes is caused by irregular levels of insulin in the bloodstream. There are two types of the disease diabetes, type I and type II. Type I diabetes is diabetes that occurs because the beta cells (those that produce insulin), of the pancreas are destroyed. It is known to be an autoimmune disease, initially recognised in patients under the age of 40, however, the disease can develop with age. The only treatment and method of survival for this type of diabetes is to be solely dependent on insulin. Type II diabetes is caused by either insulin deficiency or body resistance to the insulin. As time progresses, extrinsic insulin treatment will be required to ensure the regulation of glucose in the bloodstream. Type II diabetes is most common in older people, especially those people that are obese and are of Asian nationality. In a normal healthy person, when food is eaten it is digested and broken down into molecules of glucose which is absorbed into the bloodstream and into the cells that require it for energy. However to do this, insulin, a chemical messenger produced by the beta cells in the pancreas, is required to act as a key, complementary to the receptors on the plasmalemma of the glucose requiring cells. However, people suffering from diabetes may be producing the insulin required, yet the receptor becomes less responsive to the insulin or resistant to the insulin produced. Additionally, receptor downregulation occurs which is a process whereby, in a patient that eats unhealthily there is extreme levels of glucose in the bloodstream so the body trys to maintain and regulate homeostasis, so in a process of positive feedback, receptor downregulation occurs which increases the amount of glucose in the blood which is toxic. Furthermore, the body may start producing less insulin than required which prevents glucose entering the cells. Therefore, there is an accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream which leads to hyperglycaemia. The main symptoms of the disease are: Fatigue usually occurring because the patient is unable to use the glucose for energy. Polyuria which is passing urine as the body tries to excrete the excess glucose from the body. Nocturia, passing urine at night. Blurry vision or decreased vision. Slow healing of any cuts and wounds. Polydipsia which is increased thirst. Unusual weight loss as the body is unable to use the glucose for energy so the body breaks down the stored fat and proteins instead. Itching, thrush or any urinary tract infections as generally the infection rate will increase as there are high levels of glucose in the blood stream. Walker et al (2002): Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, page 632 describes that the diagnosis of diabetes should not be based solely on one reading on a prick reading as they should be only used to identify people who may be at risk of diabetes such as screening. Diagnosis is usually established via a venous blood sample verified by thorough lab testing. TALK ABOUT NICE GUIDELINES HERE for blood glucose levels for diagnosis of diabetes Treatments The treatments that are generally used to control blood sugar levels are: Lifestyle changes the patient should be advised to introduce an exercise regime and suitable diet (there is no strict diet for diabetic patients, so patients are advised to eat healthily). However, if this cannot control the blood sugar levels then patients require oral antidiabetic drugs. Oral Antidiabetic Drugs Campbell, Ian (Jun 2007) Oral Antidiabetic Drugs: their properties and recommended use, Prescriber Volume 18 Issue 6 page 58 outlines the use of each antidiabetic drug. First-line Drug Therapy Sulfonylureas Types of Sulfonylureas include gliclazide, glibenclamide, glipizide and glimepiride, which work by stimulating the release of insulin into the bloodstream. As stated in the BNF (March 2010), Sulfonylureas must not be given to obese patients or overweight as these drugs can encourage weight gain. Also there is a very high risk of hypoglycaemia as some Sulfonylureas drugs (glibenclamide) are long acting and should NOT be prescribed to the elderly. Side effects include; nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and constipation. Biguanide Types of Biguanide include metformin which improves insulin action. BNF (March 2010) describes that Metformin works differently to the Sulfonylureas drugs as it decreases the action of gluconeogenesis, therefore, limiting the amount of glucose being produced by substrates such as amino acids, glycerol etc. Metformin is usually given first priority to people who are overweight, so unlike Sulfonylureas drugs can be given to the elderly. Another benefit of this drug is that it does not lead to hypoglycaemia but has many more side effects including abdominal pain, anorexia and taste disturbance. Second-line Drug Therapy Glitazones (given with biguanides or sulfonylureas drugs as double therapy) Types of glitazones include pioglitazone and rosiglitazone Glitazone drugs work to reduce the insulin resistance and improve the sensitivity to insulin. However, taking these drugs increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and many other side effects including reports of liver toxicity, alopecia, anaemia etc. Prandial glucose regulators Regulators include repaglinide and nateglinide. These second-line therapy drugs can be used as monotherapy or used with metformin. Sexton, John (2006): Pharmaceutical Care made Easy, page 66 describes how these drugs work differently to the Sulfonylureas drugs, by stimulating the increase of insulin using different receptor sites. Side effects of this drug include abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation and nausea. Insulin There are three types of insulin that can be administered to treat diabetes. Fast-acting insulin is insulin that is said to be neutral because they are soluble, working to reduce the glucose in as little as ten minutes but only work for a few hours so are suitable for patients that require insulin after a meal. Intermediate-acting insulin is insoluble insulin which takes about one to two hours to work effectively. To cover a whole day this insulin has to be injected twice daily. Long-acting insulin is insulin that lasts a whole day and so does not to be administered more than once each day. Diabetic Complications Diabetes MUST be controlled to prevent serious microvascular and macrovascular complications which deter the health of the patient further. Microvascular Diseases Peripheral Neuropathy this is when there is impairment or damage to the nerves, especially on the feet, leading to vibrations and muscle pain, eventually the patient will not be able to feel the feet at all. Nephropathy this is when the kidneys become swollen and larger than normal, because of excess fluid in the kidney and can be discovered by testing on urine for a certain chemical called albumin. If high amounts of this substance are found in the urine, then the patient is suffering from nephropathy which can lead to kidney failure. Retinopathy blindness in diabetic patients is common, therefore, regular screening is undertaken. Control over blood sugar can prevent retinopathy, and if detected early, the eyesight can be recovered by laser eye surgery. Macrovascular Diseases Cardiovascular Disease Walker, John (2002) page 636 discusses that the risk of someone with diabetes having a myocardial infarction is the same as someone without diabetes having a second myocardial infarction. This highlights the importance of controlling diet and advising patients to stop smoking. Peripheral Vascular Disease this is when the blood vessels near the heart or around the heart are affected which increases the risk of suffering from a myocardial infaction or suffering from cardiovascular problems such as hypertension. Microvascular and Macrovascular Diseases Diabetic Foot Ulcers this is the combined result of having many of the diseases above such as neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease and not controlling the amount of glucose levels in the bloodstream. Therefore, this leads to glucose deposits on the toes of the feet which become prone to infection. Therefore, patient education is of utmost importance to prevent ulcers appearing. Social/Psychological Impairment and Management of the disease The patient found coping with the disease very difficult, soon after diagnosis lost his job, unable to cope with the physical requirements and unable to drive the patient felt vulnerable and insecure, lost confidence and a sense of independence. Therefore, the patient fell in depression and financial worries increased .The family also felt that learning to manage the disease was difficult. However, education available provided the information required to deal with diabetic emergencies most common being hypoglycaemia which could lead to coma. Furthermore, the patient suffered from retinopathy which is a microvascular diabetic complications Therefore, in order to correct the patients eyesight the patient had to undergo a few laser treatments. Medicines/Treatments Role of Pharmacist The pharmacists first and most important priority is the patient; hence the pharmacist initially must follow a certain care cycle and criteria to ensure maximum contribution to proper care of the patient. Therefore the patients care began with a broad assessment, gathering the information to identify symptoms, all problems and complaints and potential problems. This was when many of the symptoms of the patient were recognised as diabetic symptoms such as fatigue, passing urine excessively etc. The pharmacists role at this point is to prioritise the patient and to advise and explain to the patient to see the patient as soon as possible. Once the patient was diagnosed the pharmacist was able to think about the outcomes of care and how to achieve the desirable outcomes. To do this, the pharmacist counselled the patient in accordance to the severity of the diabetes. The pharmacist at this point discussed lifestyle changes, such as moderate alcohol intake, maintaining a healthy diet, and introducing a sufficient exercise regime and the variety of antidiabetic drug therapy treatment options. Once the suitable drug therapy was identified for the patient, the pharmacist was able to provide and support the patient, by creating a rapport with the patient, providing and establishing self-confidence and asking questions. The pharmacist also counselled the patient by discussing each and every drug in an Medicines Use and Review (MUR) service which taught the patient how to administer i nsulin properly and effectively, the most common side effects, how to take medication and when to take medication (such as medication that must be taken with a meal or medications to be taken only in the morning etc.), and generally talking about how the patient is coping with the disease. The patient was also advised to join a diabetic clinic so that the patient and patients family could attend to receive important information about how to identify when a person is in a state of hypoglycaemia (eg. tremors, sweating, palpitations, drowsiness), and also giving details on how to avoid serious diabetic complications. In general, the pharmacist has a duty of professional conduct to act in a way to benefit the patient which is publicised in the seven MEP Guidelines (YEAR). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Area for Improvement Reflection

Monday, August 19, 2019

Japanese Media Overview :: essays research papers fc

Japanese media overview Physically, the mass media in Japan are quite similar to those in any developed nation, although perhaps somewhat more advanced. In organizational structure, however, Japanese media are unique. Individual elements of the Japanese media mix may resemble counterparts in other nations, but the combination is purely Japanese. The primary characteristics of Japanese mass media are the influence of the national daily newspapers and the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (Nihon Hoso Kyokai, or NHK) and the relative lack of localism. The importance of newspapers Japanese media are dominated by five national daily newspapers. The Asahi, Mainichi, Nihon Keizai, Sankei and Yomiuri Shimbun (newspaper) all publish both a morning and an evening edition, with total circulation of more than 40 million copies per day (Cooper-Chen, 1997, p. 53). Of the world’s ten highest daily circulation newspapers, the top three are Japanese, with the fourth highest having a circulation of just over one-third of the circulation of the Yomiuri Shimbun (The United States is not represented in this list) (Cooper-Chen, 1997, p. 54). It is not surprising that Japan has the highest ratio of newspapers to people in the world, with 578 copies per day for every 1000 people (Cooper-Chen, 1997, p. 52). Local newspapers are smaller than the nationals, and many are published only once or twice a week, even in cities with populations above 100,000. However, the national newspapers all have regional sections. The national daily newspapers are also involved in other media. All of the commercial television networks are either affiliated with or owned by a national newspaper (Cooper-Chen, 1997, p. 115). They are also heavily involved in radio broadcasting, although their presence is less influential. Japanese book and magazine readership are also quite impressive. In addition, Japan has a thriving comic book, or manga, industry. Japanese comic books are for all ages and all types of people. One can see people reading manga in restaurants, coffee shops, trains, buses, even schools and offices. Sales of manga for 1984 totaled 297 billion yen (US$ 1.2 billion), although this figure does not include any of the income from manga-related products (Schodt, 1986, p. 138). Nature of television broadcasting There are five major commercial and two public television networks in Japan. The public networks, Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK) general and education, are funded by annual license fees paid for every television set in the country. Although NHK is an independent entity, it enjoys a close and favored relationship with the government.

Lord Of The Flies 11 :: essays research papers

Normally, when we think of worlds, the planet Earth comes to mind. What we don’t often remember is that the word world can mean more than the Earth. Webster’s New World Dictionary states that the true definition of the word world is, "some part of the earth, or an individual experience, outlook.." Keeping that definition in mind, it is true to say that the boys in Lord of the Flies were in their own world, so to speak. And it is also true that every world has its problems. A contemporary psychiatrist wrote , "The problems of the world - and they are chronicled daily in headlines of violence and despair - essentially are the problems of individuals. If individuals can change, the course of the world can change. This is a hope worth sustaining." This quote can apply both to the larger world of the Earth, and the smaller world of the island. On the island, the boys had problems from the beginning. Both Ralph and Jack wanted to be chief and when the rest of the biguns and littluns voted for Ralph, it caused friction between Jack and Ralph. Ralph tried to deal with this problem by appointing Jack the leader of the hunters and keepers of the fire. He had hoped this would repair any damage that had been done to their short friendship. Ralph was doing his duty as the chief and tried to deal with their individual problems. However, this solution ended up doing more harm than good. The friction between Ralph and Jack flourished throughout the book. Jack soon became obsessed with savagery and killing pigs. The only thing he cared about was meat. And Jack does kill a pig; however killing that pig sacrificed the fire and the boys missed a rescue opportunity because the fire went out. But Jack doesn’t seem to care. "Jack, his face smeared with clays, reached the top first and hailed Ralph excitedly, with lifted spear. ‘Look! We’ve killed a pig-we stole up on them-we got in a circle-’ They seemed to share one wide ecstatic grin. Jack had too many things to tell Ralph at once. Instead he danced a step or two, then remembered his dignity and stood still, grinning. Ralph spoke. ‘You let the fire go out.’ Jack checked, vaguely irritated by this irrelevance but too happy to let it worry him. ‘There was lashings of blood,’ said Jack, laughing and shuddering.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Beauty and The Bluest Eye :: Bluest Eye Essays

Beauty and The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison's novel, The Bluest Eye contributes to the study of the American novel by bringing to light an unflattering side of American history. The story of a young black girl named Pecola, growing up in Lorain, Ohio in 1941 clearly illustrates the fact that the "American Dream" was not available to everyone. The world that Pecola inhabits adores blonde haired blue eyed girls and boys. Black children are invisible in this world, not special, less than nothing. The idea that the color of your skin somehow made you lesser was cultivated by both whites and blacks. White skin meant beauty and privilege and that idea was not questioned at this time in history. The idea that the color of your skin somehow made you less of a person contaminated black people's lives in many different ways. The taunts of schoolboys directed at Pecola clearly illustrate this fact; "It was their contempt for their own blackness that gave the first insult its teeth" (65). This self hatred also po ssessed an undercurrent of anger and injustice that eventually led to the civil rights movement. The characters in this book as well as the time period mark a time in American history that played an important role in the ideas of equality and freedom. All of the elements on which this country were founded upon were twisted so they no longer applied to blacks and other minorities in this country. The life led by Pecola as well as others like her good or bad is a part of history that was experienced by many Americans in all parts of the country. While it is questionable whether total equality has been reached in this country, many ideas have changed for the better. This book is significant because it shows a different side to American literature as well as life. Morrison points out what has changed and what has stayed the same. While people are generally equal, there are still prejudices in the idea of what is beautiful and who is worthy.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Revenue Allocation Among The Three Tiers Of Government In Nigeria

IntroductionRevenue allocation is one of the Constitutional functions of the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission. Specifically, Part I, Paragraph 32 of the Third Schedule to the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which states that the Commission is to â€Å"review, from time to time, the revenue allocation formulae and principles in operation to ensure conformity with changing realities. Provided the any revenue formula which has been accepted by an Act of the National Assembly shall remain in force for a period of not less than five years for the commencement of the Act† Nigeria system of government has three levels namely, Federal, State and Local Governments.Each tier has its own constitutional responsibilities. And in a situation where the allocation of tax powers creates a resource imbalance amongst the stakeholders, it necessitates the need for an arrangement to allocate centrally-collected revenue so that revenue and development coul d spread evenly throughout the country. This is manifested in the Nigerian case, where more lucrative taxes are controlled by the Federal Government.Fiscal FederalismFiscal federalism is a system of taxation and public expenditure in which revenue-raising powers and control over expenditure are vested in various levels of government within a nation, ranging from the national government to the smallest unit of local government (Anyafo, 1996). Basically, fiscal federalism emphasizes on how revenues are raised and allocated to different levels of government for development. There is the problem of how to allocate revenue to different tiers of government in relation to the constitutionally assigned functions.The discordance between fiscal capacity of various levels of government and their expenditure responsibilities, the non-correspondence problem, is a striking feature of the Nigerian federal finance. There is also the problem of how revenue should be shared among the states and local councils. According to the resource allocation function of the government, revenue is allocated to federating units of a country for economic development, otherwise called fiscal federalism. Nigeria’s fiscal federalism has emanated from historical, economic, political, geographical, cultural, and social factors. In all of these, fiscal arrangements remain a  controversial issue in allocating distributable pool account (DPA) of the federation since 1946 (Ekpo, 2004).

Friday, August 16, 2019

Cash Basis vs. Accrual Basis Accounting Essay

Cash basis accounting and the accrual basis accounting are two accounting methods used to keep track of a business’s income and expenses. In accrual basis accounting, revenue is recorded as it is earned and expenses are recorded when they generate revenue. Under cash basis accounting, only transactions involving increases or decreases of the entity’s cash are recorded. One of the major differences is the reporting of net income and net cash flows from operations. The cash basis is the more commonly used method of accounting by individuals and small businesses with sales of less than $5 million per year whereas accrual basis is used by large companies and is required of corporations whose stock is publicly traded. With accrual basis accounting being more complex, it provides more financial information about a company, therefore, providing more meaningful financial reports. Cash basis accounting is the simple method. It provides a more accurate picture of how much actual cash your business has because it only deals with cash transactions. Companies record transaction when they have an increase or decrease of cash. However, this doesn’t give you a clear picture of a company’s operations and financial performance. In summary, the difference is the timing when transactions, including sales and purchases, are credited or debited to your account. If your business is simple, then cash basis will do, but accrual basis provides the â€Å"big† picture of business operations.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Four basic models of the BGS relationship Essay

Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd is a commercial bank of Bangladesh. The Bank was established under the Bank Companies Act 1991 and incorporated as a public limited company under the Companies Act 1994 in Bangladesh with the primary objective to carry on all kinds of banking business in Bangladesh. It is one of the fast growing leading online banks in private sector. This is a descriptive report on Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. that mentions the activities of General Banking, On-line banking and corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the bank. The bank is established jointly by local Bangladeshi parties spearheaded by M Sahabuddin Ahmed (Founder & Chairman) and the Dutch company FMO. This report’s objective is to find out more information about CSR of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited. I hope that my report on CSR of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited would be a summarized view of CSR activities of Dutch-Bangla Bank. 1. INTRODUCTION Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. The term â€Å"corporate social responsibility† came in to common use in the late 1960s and early 1970s. ISO 26000 is the recognized international standard for CSR (currently a Draft International Standard). Figure 1: Where big corporations spending CSR resources The banking sector of Bangladesh has a long history of involvement in benevolent activities like donations to diï ¬â‚¬erent charitable organizations, to poor people and religious institutions, city beautification and improving art & culture, etc. In a natural calamity-prone area like Bangladesh, there remains an existing and  distinctive CSR agenda focused on the business contribution to tackling social crises in the aï ¬â‚¬ected area. Dutch Bangla Bank Limited as a responsible corporate body has been playing a pioneering role in implementing social and philanthropic programs to help disadvantaged people of the country. Education, healthcare, human resource development, conservation of nature, creation of social awareness, rehabilitation of distressed people and such other programs are some of the important areas where the bank carries out its social and philanthropic activities. In 2010 alone, DBBL donated BDT 340 million towards social causes. 2. Origin of the report: This report is prepared as a partial requirement of the course, Business Communication, assigned by my course instructor Nigar Sultana on â€Å"Corporate Social Responsibility of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited† submitted on 1th December, 2012. The recent activities of various kinds of business firms on CSR have inspire me to do this report on CSR of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited. Some recent CSR activities also influence me to do this report on CSR activity of DBBL. 3. Problem & Purpose: This report is divided into two objectives. Those are : Primary Objectives: The primary objectives are – > To find out more information about CSR of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited & new fields of their CSR. Secondary Objectives: > To develop skills of writing a formal report, techniques and principles as well. 4. Scope of the report: This report can be used by others as secondary information. The information of this report will be used for any other survey or making any other document. To find any new scope of CSR, anyone can take help from this report & its information. 5. Limitations of the report: I didn’t face any major limitations in this research. But, if I personally go DBBL’s head office, that will be more helpful for me. There is also some time pressure for making this report properly. Because of time limitations, I cannot collect my require information properly. 6. Findings: By investigate about CSR of Dutch-Bangla Bank; I’ve to know about their regular CSR activities. DBBL’s Corporate Social Responsibilities are- 1. In Education sectors, 2. In Health sectors, 3. In Social Welfare. 6.1 In Education DBBL is providing scholarships to students, especially for those who cannot continue their study due to financial constraint as well as to the meritorious and needy students every year since 2003. The bank awards around 300 new scholarships of Tk. 1,000 per month every year along with continuing scholarship for those studying at HSC level. The Graduation level scholarships of Tk. 2,000 per month are renewable for their entire academic period of graduation level. DBBL has decided to award financial support to SSC and HSC students this year. According to the official data revealed by Bangladesh Bank, DBBL spent more than Tk 172 million in various CSR activities in 2011. Dutch-Bangla Bank awarded scholarships to meritorious but needy students including physically disabled students who passed HSC Examination in 2010 and studying at graduate level. The Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd (DBBL) also decided to donate Tk 9.73 crore to Dhaka University (DU) for establishing a research centre on the university campus. The DBBL Board of Directors in its 77th meeting decided to donate the money for constructing an 11-storey research centre ‘Dutch-Bangla Bank Centre for Advanced Research in Arts and Social Sciences Bhaban’ on the DU campus. The research centre, which would be the first of its kind in the country, will be supervised by renowned teachers, scholars and researchers. It will also  award scholarship to researchers and scholars at home and abroad. Some more information: # Handed over the Letter of Commitment for donating Tk. 9.73 crore to Dhaka University for constructing â€Å"Dutch-Bangla Bank Centre for Advanced Research in Arts & Social Sciences† on February 27, 2008. # Donated reference books to the library of diï ¬â‚¬erent educational institutions like BSMMU, Dhaka University etc. # Donated Tk. 15.00 lac for purchasing academic reference books for Dhaka University Central Library on June 8, 2006. 6.2 In Health DBBL is just not a bank, it also a producer of CSR. It has some contributions on health sectors of Bangladesh.DBBL do many CSR activities related public health such as they contributed to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) build a new auditorium and to by new equipments. Also donated an ambulance to Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU. Under the DBBL Smile-Brighter Program, Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited organized a 4 day-Iong plastic surgery operation, during September 06 to 09, 2006 in Faridpur for the poor cleft-lipped boys and girls at the bank’s own cost to bring back enduring smile on their faces. With generous financial support from the Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation (DBBF), ICDDR,B is setting up a world-class blood bank that will provide transfusion services to patients attending its Dhaka Hospital and others in need. Some more Information: # Cleft-lip problem is not only a health problem but it aï ¬â‚¬ects the whole family along with the victim. Since 2003 DBBL is working with these vulnerable groups under its Smile Brighter Program to bring back smile on their face and to enable them to start normal life. This is a continuous program aiming to perform as much operation possible per year. Total 5,000 poor cleft-lipped boys and girls have so far been successfully operated across the country till date. # The Board of Directors of DBBL handed over the Commitment Letter for the donation of BDT 11.476 million to Dr. M. A. Salam, Director of ICDDR,B at a simple ceremony held at the conference room of ICDDR,B on June 03, 2009. # DBBL launched a free treatment over the country in many Public hospital in every week to eradicate diseses from the  country. # They also launched HEALTH CARE INFORMATION seminar over the country in different times in the year to convey the information’s over the rural and uneducated people. # DBBL is also contributing for the HIV/AIDS patients including women and children. They managed the ARV(Anti-Retro-Viral) to them and treat them properly. # As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility, Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has donated an amount of Tk 2.02 crore to Diabetic Association this year. # DBBL donated generous amount of money to diï ¬â‚¬erent health organizations for medical instruments and medical infrastructural development such as operation theatres, laboratory, hospital building, etc. 6.3 In Social welfare Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has been playing a pioneering role in executing social and philanthropic programs since its inception to reduce the sufferings of the common man and helping the disadvantaged people of the country. In order to implement programs related to social cause with more dedication, Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation(DBBF) was established in 2001. A number of sectors are on the focus list of the bank. Education, health care, human resource development, conservation of nature, creation of social awareness, rehabilitation of destitute people and such other programs are some of the important areas where the Bank is carrying out its social and philanthropic activities. Dutch-Bangla Bank do huge amount of CSR for social welfare like, has donated a huge amount of money to EKMATTRA for establishing EKMATTRA-Dutch-Bangla Bank Academy to provide education as well as other facilities for underprivileged children of the country. Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has extended financial assist ance amounting to Tk. 18.5 lac to 17 NGOs engaged in rehabilitation of the disabled children of Bangladesh on June 05, 2006. Some more information: # For the development of the vulnerable segments of Bangladesh, DBBL assisted to rehabilitate the acid and dowry victim women by providing one-time financial assistance for establishing small scale agro-based rural economic enterprise to be self-reliant. # DBBL provides financial support for  rehabilitation of physically handicapped, mental impaired, visually impaired, hearing impaired, autistic and street children by ensuring education and vocational training. # DBBL runs mass awareness programs on diï ¬â‚¬erent burning issues through print and electronic media. Some remarkable issues are as follows: Save the Nation from curse of Dowry, Stop Acid violence, Prevent Drug Abuse, Tree plantation and preservation of environment, Right of disable children etc. # Financial support to ‘Nirapad Sharak Chai’ for helping the victims of road accident and mass campaign for prevention of traffic accident. # City beautification and preserving environment to develop an eco-friendly society for healthy human life. 6.4 Rewards: # Southern University Bangladesh (SUB) conferred Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) award on the Dutch-Bangla Bank (DBBL) for its immense contribution to different fields in the society. # In 2007, the bank won the Bangladesh Business Awards for being the ‘Best Financial Institution’ mainly for its commitment to technology and community service. # The DBBL received an international award on CSR from Asian Institute of Management, Manila in the 3rd Annual Asian CSR Award ceremony. # Also granted numerous national and international awards for its role in the development of Bangladesh. 7. Recommendations: By knowing & analyzing regular CSR activities of Dutch-Bangla Bank, the bank can easily find out the new field or scope for their CSR activities. DBBL can increase their budget for CSR activity to increase their popularity & market share. They should give more attention for CSR in disaster relief. Because, their CSR on disaster relief is very helpful for the affected poor people. 8. Conclusion: While the Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited is a business enterprise, its Foundation, established in June 2001, is dedicated to working in social arenas with the greatest need, as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR). The Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation carries out diverse social and philanthropic  activities in the field of education, health, conservation of nature, social awareness, human rehabilitation, and other programs to reduce human suffering. The social commitment of the Dutch-Bangla Bank and the Foundation is clearly reflected in their Vision and Mission. 9. Appendix: Bangladesh Bank annual CSR report 2009 Bangladesh Bank annual CSR report 2010 World CSR survey Annual report of DBBL Documents from Dutch-Bangla bank limited. 10. Bibliography: Daily Newspapers