Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Revision practice Essay

The revision changes recommended, in the darft states the topic sentence should directly address, the thesis as well as state the topic. Each paragraph should have an effective closing, that reinforces the main point. The revision changes also recommend, the thesis statement should be present, but don’t forget the essay which should begin with an entire. The introductory paragraph, should provide background information on the topic to the readers and grab the readers attention. When writing the supporting detail, for instance when using, learning style, it also means how each individual student learn best, it is best to try to write options for learning. Remember to organize the information in the parargraph, each paragraph should consist of at least five sentences of a topic sentence, and three supporting sentence, and a concluding sentence only in the first line of the paragraph, should be indented. Do not use first person pronouns like †i† in academic writing, also avoid using personal stories in, academic writing, these same ideas can still be convey without making it personal. Working on rewording the paragraph would help to highlight the, same benefits of the ideas, without describing a personal experience. Academic writing should be formal writing, and not informal writing. Avoid repetitive of words, keep conclusion short, it should be four sentence and focus on summarizing, the two or three of the most important main ideas from the essay. The revision changes recommended by, writepoint states when writing avoid leaving a space before a comma. Also remove comma before writing a restrictive phrase otherwise replace†that† with â€Å"which†. Don’t use lots in an essay without commercial words, the word lots is used only for commercial shipments and real estate, are measured in lots. To use â€Å"a lot of†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ means â€Å"many† â€Å"much† or a large amount†. Also recommended by writepoint for any academic writer, should not divide two-part verb beginning with has/ have/ had. The revision provided by plagiarism checker reports processed on, march 16 2012,the feedback states the slimilarity index, was 0%, internet sources 0%, publication 0%, and student papers n/a. 1. The topic sentence directly address the thesis, as well as states the topic, for instance, the topic sentence states, although students either can learn from online classroom or traditional classroom, online classroom is more flexible. 2. Each paragraph have an effective closing that reinforces the main point , for instance the main ideas are in the three paragraphs, for instance, learning styles, benefits, and cost of education. 3.  The essay is coherent, it flows with ideas smoothly, for instance, online learning and traditional learning, flow in order, one after the other this make the essay easy to understand. It flows from the beginning to the end, because the starting of the essay starts with the topic sentence and ends with the topic sentence, this allows the idea to flow after one another within the paragraph, and from paragraph to paragraph so the ideas can flow smoothly.  The essay flows from the beginning to the end, which starts with the introduction of the topic s entence in the beginning and to the end of the conclusion of the three main ideas, flows in order. 4. The order of the support is logical and effective, because it gives support to the essay, for instance, the essay giveS example of how student can balance work and school, the supporting detail, is how flexible online learning is, and how effective the support is states how student can balance school life and personal life, this makes the order of support logical and effective. . The essay provides strong evidence to support any opinions, the evidence to support the opinions is ,saves money on gas for car, due to no travel time, this allows saving time and money saving. 6. The essay reflects on the evidence and explain its importance, the evidence is student can benefit, the importance is student can save money and time, which do explain no travel time and also student don’t have to pay for parking, this allows students to save time and money. . The essay use strong transition between sentences and between paragraphs, the words and phrases shows how the ideas in the sentence and paragraph are related, for example, online learning style, is the transitions between traditional learning The next steps to be taken in the revision process, is to take out unnecessary words and replace weak words, with specific and appropriate wording, this helps the essay. Revision process, allows you to make changes to the first draft before you put the finishing touches, during the editing and proofreading stage. The revision process allows you to improve the draft before you start the editing process. The revision process, is the step when you, add, cut, move, or change information in order to make the ideas in the essay, more accurate, more interesting or more convincing. After revising the content, the next step is to do the editing. This allows you to examine the surface features of the content. The editing process, allows you to examine your spelling, grammer, usage of words, and punctuation in the darft. When editing, it helps you to use proper format when creating the finished essay. The revision process, overall allows you to, add, cut, move, or change information in order to make the ideas in the essay, more accurate, more interesting, or more convincing, when writing your essay.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Combating Compassion Fatigue Essay

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the significance of Compassion Fatigue (CF) and its effects in the lives of caregivers. A caregiver is defined by dictionary. com as an individual, such as a physician, nurse, or social worker, who assists in the identification, prevention, or treatment of an illness or disability (dictionary. com). Caregivers may also include family members, friends or neighbors who voluntarily have accepted responsibility for looking after a vulnerable neighbor or relative. For the purpose of this paper, the primary caregivers discussed will be nurses. Most nurses chose nursing as a career because they have the desire to both help people and provide care for patients with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Having this desire puts nurses at risk for suffering from CF. CF can affect nurses in many areas such as physically, emotionally, in job performance, as well as their attitude toward the work environment, coworkers, and their patients. Nurses suffering from CF may experience emotional symptoms that include, but not limited to; poor concentration, decreased focus, poor judgment, mood swings, irritability, anger and resentment (Eyre & Lombardo, 2011). Work related symptoms that may be experienced are; avoidance or dread of working with certain patients, reduced ability to feel empathy towards patients or families, and frequent use of sick days (Eyre & Lombardo, 2011). Physical symptoms often experienced are; headaches, digestive problems: diarrhea, constipation, and upset stomach, sleep disturbances: inability to sleep, insomnia, or too much sleep, and cardiac symptoms: chest pain/pressure, palpitations, and tachycardia (Eyre & Lombardo, 2011). If compassion fatigue continues and no interventions are implemented to combat it, full Burn Out will result. Burn out (BO) is defined as exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration, which gradually builds to a breaking point (www. merriam-webster. com). Nurses suffering from CF or burn out are unable to provide their patients optimal care. In order to build a healthy relationship with patients, a nurse must have a lot of compassion. CF prevents caregivers from showing compassion as well as preventing them from providing effective care because they are tired, unmotivated, and not giving prompt attention to their patients. This is problematic because patients want and deserve not only good clinical care but also the feeling and warmth and compassion from their nurse. When a nurse is experiencing CF or BO he or she may be plagued by negative emotions which include frustration, anger, depression, feeling stuck, feeling paralyzed, irritability toward coworkers and clients, cynicism, bitterness, and being negative about self, others, and the world in general (Espeland, 2006). What patient wants or deserves a nurse who has thought tendencies such as these? It may also cause a hostile work environment for their coworkers as well. Their family life is also affected. The main cause of compassion fatigue is the increasing workload of healthcare. Nurses frequently feel overworked and overwhelmed by competing demands on their time. Nurses and other caregivers are required to put in much more time dealing with inflexible aspects of healthcare such as completing paperwork and computer documentation (Windsor, 2007). They are also encouraged to see more patients in less time, leaving much less time for the nurse/patient relationship (Windsor, 2007). Many times nurse have to work short staffed, but are still expected to complete all components of the job. Increased patient load and the desire to complete all task without the possibility of overtime causes nurses to use their lunch hour or stay late to complete task and complete charting. Thus, in trying to save time, they eliminate the very things that replenish their physical, emotional, and spiritual stores such as exercise, family meals, friends outside of work, or meditation (Windsor, 2007). Many nurses such as this writer are trying to balance work, family and school as well as other life events, putting themselves at high risk for CF or BO. Other difficulties include staff communication problems including not being heard and feeling unsupported, as well as no time to build relationships with patients and families and no time to follow up on important issues. It’s imperative to know the causes and the signs of the condition in order to prevent it or get help. Nurses need to provide for their own wellbeing by meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Physically, the nurse must participate in exercising, relaxation, maintaining adequate sleep and nutrition. It’s important for them to keep themselves healthy so they can help their patients. Not eating right, drinking plenty of water or getting enough rest puts them and those they care for at risk. Ways they can help themselves physically is by purposely taking some time to take a walk, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. This writer knows personally the benefits of a 15 minute walk. It helps relieves stress, it lowers your blood sugar, and relieves those aching muscles. Eating right is also very important. Many times nurses eat on the run, grabbing whatever they can eat and still move. This is unhealthy. Learning to eat frequent small healthy meals can make you feel like a new person. Fruit, salad and healthy snacks like yogurt and nuts should always be on the list. Taking care of emotional needs is just as important as the physical needs. Nurses can reach out to friends and coworkers when feeling emotionally stressed or drained. Sometimes just having someone to talk to or feel that you can relate to can be so helpful. Today, many facilities have programs to assist employees who are having trouble or feeling stressed. The facility this writer works in provides employees with a psychologist who is available when needed to meet and talk to staff in a private and professional manner. Talking with someone often helps alleviate compassion fatigue by bringing the stress out of yourself and into the open (Windsor, 2007). Colleagues are often a good resource in this area, as they may be having similar day-to-day experiences. Professional counselors are also a good source of help. They have special training and may be able to help create a recovery plan (Windsor, 2007). It’s also a good idea for administration to meet with the staff to find out how they feel about different aspects of the job, and to see if there are any ideas to make their work environment healthier, less stressful and more fulfilling. Spiritual needs may be the most important need of all. Growing spiritually in relationship with God can bring about true healing and resilience. Reading the Bible, praying and meditating are the prescriptions that help us to prevent compassion fatigue, minimize its severity or find healing. God is the one who gave us the desire to be caregivers in the first place, so He is ultimately the one that can help us when we are troubled. Frequently counting your blessings and thanking God for them is so helpful. It takes your mind off of your problems, and keeps you from complaining all the time and thinking negatively. Praying and asking God to show you the source of your struggle and what’s bothering you can be the beginning of the healing process. Attending church services routinely can help to revitalize you and prepare you to deal with the many circumstances you may encounter. There are many resources and coping strategies that nurses can use. One thing nurses must do is to remember to take care of them-selves. They need to be mindful that it is not selfish to put them-selves first. If they are healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually, they can be of more assistance to those they care for. Participating in any programs that their place of work offers them to improve performance, encourages physical renewal, and allows for time to de-stress should be encouraged. Joining a gym to get adequate exercise is a good idea. If the nurse has problems with their diet, attending nutrition classes may be helpful. Having a positive self-image is also a coping strategy that is essential for nurses to combat CF. Clearing the mind of negative thoughts immediately is also important. Prayer and meditation is a way to keep the mind clear and on a positive thought path. Learning to provide compassionate care for oneself, allows you to provide that same care to someone else. The most important coping technique of all is balancing their giving to others with giving to themselves (Bush, 2009). Only when nurses take time to heal themselves can they be truly available to aid in the healing of others. The major preventive self-care tasks well understood by the majority of nurse caregivers (Bush, 2009), as previously stated in this paper are: exercising, relaxation, maintaining adequate sleep and nutrition, and reaching out for support from others. Conclusion In conclusion, suffering from this condition prevents nurses from providing quality care. Not recognizing or refusing to acknowledge and get help for compassion fatigue causes people to leave their profession, turn to drugs or alcohol, or in extreme cases become self-destructive or suicidal (Eyre ; Lombardo, 2011). In today’s economy compassion fatigue can be very costly personally and professionally for nurses and financially for institutions (Eyre ; Lombardo, 2011). It is important for nurses to become knowledgeable about compassion fatigue symptoms and intervention strategies and to develop a personal plan of care so as to and achieve a healthy work-life balance (Eyre ; Lombardo, 2011). Equally as important is that healthcare systems invest in creating healthy work environments that prevent ompassion fatigue and address the needs of nurses who are experiencing compassion fatigue. It is important that we all recognize and understand this condition for our own health, but also for our coworkers. If you notice a coworker who you feel may be suffering from CF, reach out to them. Let them know you care and are willing and available to talk if they need you (Eyre ; Lombardo, 2011). Remember yourself, and let your coworkers know that this condition is treatable, and you can get the help you need to get your life back on track.

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Overview of Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems are software packages that can be used for the core systems necessary to support enterprise systems. The best-selling ERP is SAP Such ERP modules consist of Sales and Distribution, Material Managements, Financial Accounting, and Controlling and Profitability Analysis. In the words of Rockford Consulting (and many other firms), the single issue of ERP is failure to implement it. There are five known ways of how to constitute: not making the promised return on investment, extending the implementation schedule and start-up date inordinately, going over budget by unconscionable variances, grinding the organization to a crawl pace, or the severest of all consequences, and ceasing production and/or not delivering orders to your customers. Rockford has twelve â€Å"cardinal sins† regarding ERP Implementation: Lack of Top Management Commitment: Inadequate Requirements Definition; Poor Package Selection; Inadequate Resources; Resistance to Change/Lack of Buy-in; miscalculation of Time and Effort; Misfit of Application Software with Business Processes; Unrealistic Expectation of Benefits and ROI; Inadequate Training and Education; Poor Project Design and Management; Poor Communications; and Ill-advised Cost Cutting. Today, companies define success when it comes to an ERP implementation or upgrade. This is mostly due to well how they have planned for contingencies, set up reasonable expectations, and created lines of communication between the CEO, front-line users, and everyone else in between. For example, Au Bon Pain (a chain of restaurants) used to utilize â€Å"legacy systems† and â€Å"SAT ERP†, but currently uses a unified IT platform that provides such things as optimized performance, enhanced visibility with real-time data capture, Increased productivity, and accelerated financial closings. The environments in which IT professionals are striving on projects (similar to the one at Au Bon Pain) is disconcerting: Most businesses today are â€Å"oversoftwared†, in that many users are frustrated by applications’ poor performances, and return on software investments is almost always forgotten. This results in many CFOs and CEOs arriving at a state of general ambivalence toward ERP systems, or (as a worst-case scenario) an accrued and outward hatred of software overhauls. Like all things, ERP has its failures as well. Even after so many people love a substantial amount of money, there are substantial benefits. Commercial ERP software promises the seamless integration and consistency of all the information flows in an organization; financial and accounting, human resources, purchasing and supply chain, customer tracking and order placement, inventory management, and even production management. The promised savings in paperwork and man hours from automated processes is prodigious, not to mention the increased service quality provided to customers. In addition, there’s inventory reduction, supply chain cost efficiencies, and better decision support at every level. Most companies treat ERP implementation as a large scale IT project. But the scope and impact of an ERP implementation on the business is so great that the project is required to be considered as a business initiative with an IT component. This includes the development of a business plan for the project, which specifies the â€Å"market† or â€Å"business advantages† to be gained from implementing the ERP plan. The decision to implement ERP should be in response to specific business needs or objectives. Rather than just saying â€Å"yes, we want all those possible benefits†, the organization should focus on a limited set of business benefits to be gained from the ERP implementation. Once identified, these business needs would form the basis for much of the planning and management of the ERP project. If there are no compelling business needs that can be identified, then the ERP project is doomed to fail as a result of a lack of focus and the necessary management tools. The many companies that gain the most benefit from their implemented ERP systems are those that start by looking at them in strategic and organizational terms. The most (if not the best) fundamental reason for implementing ERP is to provide some competitive advantage, whether it be lower costs, faster response to market events, or better customer service. Nonetheless, these benefits can often be offset, by the impact the organization’s ERP system will have on its current business strategies and competitive advantages. Even after looking over articles by CIO, Rockford Consulting, and even CFO, I have no opinion about ERP. It has its successes and it has its failures. Whether or not to implement ERP in any particular company, I suppose it would be OK, only as long as the company is certain that it’s for the best for its management, its staff, and its regular customers; it would also be allowed as long as the company doesn’t go over the budget.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Skills Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Skills - Personal Statement Example A web presence will be crucial, optimised for search engines. Consumers are impatient with poorly designed sites, or sites which do not provide them with instant gratification to the answers they are seeking. Besides the inbuilt functions, it is possible to design a data capture application customised to the needs of the business. This could be something as simple as a quotation application, all the way through to an accounting package. Project management is increasingly important to the property professional. I used this tool to assist in scoping a project, in terms of resources such as manpower, time and money. It can be used in a variety of ways, for example as a time-management tool for the itinerant business man, all the way through to costing a major property development. The seasoned professional needs to take on board the basic underlying principles involved. At the heart of ADR is the importance of Customer Relationship Management. Throughout the whole exercise - from initial contact through to sign off - it is crucial to ensure that the client understands, accepts and agrees the terms and conditions of the proposal. I find it important to keep written/typed records of all communications made with a client. This assists in determining where - if at all - mistakes were made and provides learning opportunities to prevent such situations arising again. Although the lettings sector is not as heav

Crisis communications- Honda Recall Research Paper

Crisis communications- Honda Recall - Research Paper Example It is vital to note that business apologizes differ from personal apologies because business apologizes are given in order to retain clients, customers and business relationships (Meiners, Ringleb & Edwards, 2008). A business apology is given to customers regardless of whether the error or mistake was preventable or not. In this case, the business apology will be given in writing through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and verbally, through YouTube and television advertisements. Honda should follow strategic steps in providing its apologies to its customers. The first step is monitoring the presence of Honda’s products in the market and social media platforms. The second step is the engagement of customers and product reviewers immediately. In the apology, Honda should be honest and assume responsibility for its shortcomings. Most importantly, Honda should learn from its mistakes (Meiners, Ringleb & Edwards, 2008). The first thing that Honda should do before offering its apologies is to study or monitor its presence in the market and social platforms. In order to respond to the issue appropriately, Honda should be aware of the reviews provided by its clients and industry analysts. Once the firm has studied its presence and customer perceptions, it should apologize appropriately, based on the issues raised by the customers. This takes the firm to the next step, which is engagement with customers. Engaging with customers will enable Honda to obtain con structive feedback. Social media provides ideal platforms for offering apologizes. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have combined audiences of approximately 1 billion people on a daily basis (Meiners, Ringleb & Edwards, 2008). The apology message should focus on customer satisfaction and the firm’s shortcoming. Honda should know the right time to offer its apology. The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Charlemange as a ruler and diplomat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Charlemange as a ruler and diplomat - Essay Example Charlemagne’s rule was essentially feudal – structured in a hierarchical fashion, with lesser rulers bound by acts of fealty to higher ones.† (Cunningham and Reich, 2009, pp. 185-6). Therefore, it is fundamental to comprehend that Charlemagne was a great ruler who brought back the glory and legacy of the Roman Empire in a substantial way. It is also essential to relate here that Charlemagne, as a Christian ruler, was greatly concerned with improving the administration of the empire as well as influencing the church affairs. As a ruler and diplomat, Charlemagne holds a legacy which lives even in the modern world and the Carolingian Empire has played a crucial role in the history of the Roman Catholic Church as well as the history of the Western Europe. Significantly, the quality of Charlemagne’s rule contributed to his legacy and reputation as the most powerful Christian ruler of the Western Europe during the medieval age. â€Å"A defender of the papacy and a patron of learning, he helped lay the foundations for medieval European civilization†¦ The Carolingian Empire profoundly influenced the history of western Europe and the Roman Catholic Church.† (Testa, Lemoine, and Strickland, 2001, p. 35).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Study Skills & Academic Enrichment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Study Skills & Academic Enrichment - Essay Example On this note, I feel that the institution will provide me with a better learning environment where I can develop both academically and enrich my talents. One of the things that my former school taught me is the value of integrated learning in academic success. I learnt how to use both play and studies to prepare succeed in academics. While it is crucial for learners to optimize on instructional teaching, the ability to mould an all-round character is crucial. Sports makes a person’s mind more complete helping them to remain physically healthy that is important for academic concentration. In UCSB, a wide range of social and sports activities are available for students to participate in. The institution encourages every student to enroll in these characters so that they have an all-round experience. The institution offers students the opportunity to discover their parents. As an athlete, I feel comfortable to enjoy the same talent improvement that I enjoyed in the previous school (Utotherescue Para. 1-4). I feel that I still have a dream in succeeding in athlete along my academic achievement. In UCSB where talent improvement is encouraged, I feel that it is the best environment to develop my sporting skills. In my former school, I was great fan of research as part of my study methods. The school emphasized on the need for students to engage in research to build on their knowledge and to enrich their learning skills. A well-equipped library was available for the students to find research materials of their choice at any time. I had developed a culture of spending my evening studies in the libraries making research on a wide range of subjects. This skill has helped me in acquiring comfort in UCSB. UCSB has a culture of research and encourages the students to utilize their time in developing research skills. The school upholds this culture and encourages young learners to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 45

Case study - Essay Example Cost reduction capabilities help the company to minimize operational cost and other overheads. Bella enjoys technological capabilities by producing less sophisticated products that would sell easily for customers’ consumption. The first set back that fails Baton is the sudden departure of a project manager at St Louis. The human resource finds it complicated to recruit new individuals to occupy the vacant positions. Baton faces serious technical problems and sourcing issues such as pairing of Audio-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with a higher performing low noise amplifier. Asia does not manufacture a microcontroller making the company purchase it from America causing much delay and in effect raising the cost of acquisition. Conflict of interest between design and manufacturing sections contributed to Baton failure (Leonard &Young 2012). Bella India should take on project TKO and develop EKG because of the fast growing market despite the competition faced. The low costs of their products attract the customers. Services such as warranty would outdo the competitors. The management team has the knowledge of the market places ensuring penetration and conquering new markets. Organization’s strategies such as designing a simple and affordable portable equipment (2kg) that would connect a larger community gearing its

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What is Politics Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

What is Politics - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that since time immemorial, politics has been a part of humanity from its the primeval conceptualization up to its modernized encapsulation. Politics existed even before the government, democracy, state and et al came to its realization. During the primordial state of man, chaos is everywhere due to the stiff competition for survival. Man lives in an inevitable partition against other individuals to secure territory, food, and property. Decentralization is the embodiment of man’s primitive status quo. The schematization of centralization and planning arise to curb the catastrophic nature of man and to reconstruct the operation of politics within man’s disorganized society. Innumerable treatises, social contracts, and laws were enacted to guarantee that man’s nature and society will actualize a perpetual order and peace. The discussion of centralization and planning was only given enough attention during the twentieth ce ntury to provide a nitty-gritty exposition of how politics should operate. Several stereotypes have been attached to the word politics. Most people think that politics is an embodiment of corruption and shenanigans among officials. And others usually associate this term with government, administration, bureaucracy, politicians and the likes. In order for us to achieve a definitive definition of politics, it is a necessity to utilize a systematic approach. The first task is to outline the historical encapsulation of politics starting from its origin and its primeval understanding.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International History - Essay Example The widest description of civilization is however the definition of a more complex lifestyle that encompasses urban culture and practice of complicated activities such as farming and construction of complex structures. In doing such complex activities therefore indicate a state of sophisticated way of thinking, change of taste, and improvement of behavior. Civilized communities are now described by the way they live i.e. organized leadership (governments), literacy, social integration, economic coordination and other cultural characteristics. The general question of concern is why early civilization materialized along river valleys The answer to this question is that rivers provided a source of dependable livelihood throughout the year. As the old adage goes, water is life; rivers provided a supply of water for farming, for people's consumption and other domestic uses. Rivers also worked as micro climate regulation influencing vegetation, type of weather, natural features and topography besides the land around river is usually very fertile and hence encouraged farming (McEvedy, 2002 p.30). Whereas people appeared to be dependant on these rivers, there river stimulated innovations that lead to emergence of new and refined institutional organization, technology development and economic management. Civilization along river valleys was a self determining factor and no relations whatsoever to other rivers but had some similar characteristics. Some of the early river civilizations that have been described are along R. Nile, R. Indus, R. Tigris and R. Euphrates (McEvedy, 2002 p.34). Contrary to river valley civilization, barbarian civilization also emerged at the same time among groups of people that practiced nomadic pastoralist. Barbarism describes a situation that reduces civilization process due to communal disintegration caused by lack of industrial progression. Such societies lagged behind in technical development and were deemed low-grade compared to other communities. Some of communities that endured this civilization set back developed to become nomadic pastoralists and practiced free farming. The emergence of Nomadic pastoralist has been described to be a consequence of Neolithic Revolution. Domestication of animals and more so herbivores and farming, cleared more land and pastures, as a consequence, communities had to migrate to other areas in search for greener pastures (McEvedy 2002 p.38-40). Factors that contributed to such migrations included seasons of droughts, overpopulation, attacks from other hostile communities and search for water. Historic ally it has been ascertained that Nomadic Pastoralist lead to development of hostility among pastoral communities towards others and they have been feared a lot even today. Coercive-Agrarian Civilization The agrarian civilization begun with the river valley civilization and the major characteristics of this civilization were; invention of writing, organization of communities into empires and construction of buildings and monuments. Invention of Writing The earliest writings of late years Before Christ are not considered as writings but rather as symbols. The earliest symbols were used to communicate messages to people and their complexity gradually grew to include rows aligned and could bring to mind an intuition of a clear text. It is very hard

Water resources Essay Example for Free

Water resources Essay 1) Describe the path a molecule of water might follow through the hydrologic cycle from the ocean Evaporation takes place and the water molecule is taken high up in the atmosphere, where temperatures are very low. Continued accumulation of the molecules of water saturates the air and hence rain clouds are formed though condensation process. Precipitation in the form of rainfall, snow then occurs. Where precipitation occurs depends on whether or not the clouds were transported to land by advection process, or remained in the ocean. The cycle is at this point complete and the process starts all over again. 2) to land and back again. In the case where the clouds containing the water molecules are transported to land from the ocean by air currents through a process called advection, condensation as well as precipitation occurs over land. Some of the water on reaching the ground evaporates to the atmosphere while some penetrate to the ground to form underground water. But the largest portion of the water goes back to the ocean in the form of surface run off through streams and rivers. 3) Describe the least one example of the environmental costs of water diversion from river to farms or cities. Water pollution: On diversion to farms, the water is mainly used for irrigation purposes. Yet in these farms chemical fertilizers and pesticides are widely applied. The overflow of water is then released back to the rivers, often without proper treatment, carrying with it elements of the chemical fertilizers as well as those of pesticides from the farms, thus polluting river water downstream as well as lakes, seas and oceans into which he rivers drain their water. 4) Explain the difference between point and non-point pollution. Which is harder to control? Why? Point pollution is pollution that originates from a single source. Non-point pollution originates from many points. Non point pollution is harder to control because the sources are many thus not easily identifiable. 1) How does tectonic plate movement create ocean basins, mid ocean ridges, and volcanoes? The movement of tectonic plates could be in the direction of each other or drifting apart. When the plate drifts apart, and it so happens that their boundary is in the ocean, the result is to open a gap in this boundary. This gap, depending on the extend of movement, could form an oceanic basin, a mid oceanic ridge, or even a volcano. 2) Describe some of the mining, processing, and drilling methods that can degrade water or air quality. Underground mining pollutes underground water. Most mineral processing methods consume a lot of water and use chemicals that pollutes water in rivers when released back to them. 3) What resources, aside from minerals themselves, can be saved by recycling? Water resources, Forests, 1) What are the major sources of global energy? Hydroelectricity, Wood fuel, oil, and electricity from nuclear-powered power stations. 2) What are proven-in-place reserves? These the amount of oil that has been estimated to exist in an oil ground/field. 3) What are biofuels, how could they contribute to sustainability? Biofuels are fuels that are extracted from products of plants. The sources of these fuels are renewable thus support sustainability. Reference Shortle, J, Gerrard, D. (2001). Environmental policies for agricultural pollution control. NY: CABI.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Buckle up Essay Example for Free

Buckle up Essay Still unconscious, wreathed in bandages, pale and out in my own land, I could not even barely imagine the pain that engulfed my loved ones as they by lay vigil each night, thinking of my sorry picture with only breathing tubes to hang onto. On the second day, I regained consciousness and began a hazy recollection of what happened. The successive bumps and crash. I could recall seeing the driver ram straight into the car in front, a second later I was flung head first into the driving seat almost unsitting the driver who nonchalantly pushed my head aside. The only other recollection is seeing flames and being suffocated by fumes of burning petrol. The accident left me with gruesome facial cuts, an upper broken jaw with six teeth less. In modern day United Arab Emirates, the causes such accidents are as varied as the number of accidents. There are times when you cant really blame anybody. Nobody expects a sudden thick fog during the rush hour, it was quite an unfortunate scenario but you dare not snarl in the highway because you could be the cause of another accident. The combination of reckless over confident drivers with such weather conditions only spells doom to the careful drivers who will slow down and ensure that there is sufficient space between his vehicle and the next but there is no knowing who might ram into your rear. It is therefore an unwritten rule that one simple mistake like slowing down even in zebra crossings might result in traffic accident. Despite all these unwritten rules, you cannot surely escape being labelled a very stupid person if you drive at 120km/h in a silly thick fog. It is always the first car in the crash that causes the accident, whether he was driving beyond the police legal allowance, a copy of the many paper on the driving wheel or coffee on the other hand, the prerequisites to such traffic accidents are seen every day on our highways. It gets even more harrowing when people drive while answering phone calls or when rich spoilt kids zoom at dangerous speeds in brand new SUVs. I was dispatched from the hospital after three intensive months of medical care. By slowly recollecting the past, trying to shift what might have caused the accident and what might have not, trying to find a rationale why as a passenger I had much more serious injuries than the driver who only escaped with minor injuries the answer to my stupid injuries hits me hard, Buckle up! : That was the difference between the driver and me. Its even more hurting that I had to learn painful way. The seat belt usage is the savior if you are to be involved in such accidents. These are a very many road casualties that arise due to our refusal to buckle up. Presently the campaign â€Å"Your safety is in using safety Belt is helping people understand the importance of buckling up. Additionally, as we speak now heavy fines are being levied on those apprehended for not putting on their safety belts. This has come only after the realization that traffic accidents cause more deaths than murder and is only second to death caused by cardiovascular diseases. The experience of accidents is harrowing, the survival chance is in guaranteed, and as more and more lunatic drivers are released onto our roads, the only savior is the seat belt. I have never been reminded to buckle up ever since, my scars are too huge to be ignored. Buckling up has become an innate predisposition to me. References New Initiative in IAHVs Road Peace Campaign: Buckle up Dubai www. dubaishopping festival. com/news/IAHV11-09. htm Buckle up Drive Controls Violations of Seat Belt Rule. 2007http:www. uaeinteract. com/docs.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Overview of Famous Mathematicians

Overview of Famous Mathematicians Mathematicians’ Manifesto A young man who died at the age of 32 in a foreign land he had travelled to, to pursue his craft. A clumsy eccentric who could visualize his complete work in his head before he put it to canvas. A Russian who shuns the limelight and refuses recognition for his work. A traveller who went from country to country on a whim in order to collaborate with others. A man whose scribblings inspired the life work of hundreds. A woman, who escaped the prejudices against her gender to make a name for herself. A recluse who spent close to ten years working on one piece. A revolutionary child prodigy who died in a gun duel before his twenty-first birthday. What do you picture when you read the above? Artists? Musicians? Writers? Surely not mathematicians? Srinivas Ramanujan (1887-1920) was a self-taught nobody who, in his short life-span, discovered nearly 3900 results, many of which were completely unexpected, and influenced and made entire careers for future mathematicians. In fact there is an entire journal devoted to areas of study inspired by Ramanujan’s work. Even trying to give an overview of his life’s work would require an entire book. Henri Poincare (1854-1912) was short-sighted and hence had to learn how to visualise all the lectures he sat through. In doing so, he developed the skill to visualise entire proofs before writing them down. Poincare is considered one of the founders of the field of Topology, a field concerned with what remains when objects are transformed. An oft-told joke about Topologists is that they can’t tell their donut from their coffee cup. A conjecture of Poincare’s, regarding the equivalent of a sphere in 4-dimensional space, was unsolved till this century when Grigori Perelman (1966- ) became the first mathematician to crack a millenium prize problem, with prize money of $1million. Perelman turned it down. He is also the only mathematician to have turned down the Fields Medal, mathematics’ equivalent of the Nobel Prize. Have you heard of the Kevin Bacon number? Well mathematicians give themselves an Erdos number after Paul Erdos (1913-96) who, like Kevin Bacon, collaborated with everybody important in the field in various parts of the world. If he heard you were doing some interesting research, he would pack his bags and turn up at your doorstep. Pierre de Fermat (1601-65) was a lawyer and ‘amateur’ mathematician, whose work in Number Theory has provided some of the greatest tools mathematicians have today, and are integral to very modern areas such as cryptography. He made an enigmatic comment in a margin of his copy of Diaphantus’ ‘Arithmetica’ saying: ‘It is impossible to separate a cube into two cubes, or a fourth power into two fourth powers, or in general, any power higher than the second, into two like powers. I have discovered a truly marvellous proof of this, which this margin is too narrow to contain.’ Whether he actually had a proof is debatable, but this one comment inspired work for the next 300 years. In these intervening 300 years, one name has to be mentioned Sophie Germain (1776-1831). Germain remains one of the few women who have broken the glass ceiling and made significant contributions to mathematics. She was responsible for proving Fermat’s scribblings for a large amount of numbers. I apologise to Andrew Wiles (1953- ) for calling him a recluse, but he did spend close to 10 years on the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem, during most of which he did not reveal his progress to anybody. Saving the best for last, Evariste Galois (1811-32), a radical republican in pre-revolutionary France, died in a duel over a woman at the age of 20. Only the night before, he had finished a manuscript with some of the most innovative and impactful results in mathematics. There is speculation that the resulting lack of sleep caused him to lose the duel. Galois developed what became a whole branch of mathematics to itself Galois Theory, a sub-discipline which connect two other subdisciplines of abstract algebra. It is the only branch of mathematics I can think of which is named after its creator (apart from Mr. Algebra and Ms. Probability). This might appear to be anecdotal evidence of the creative spirit of mathematics and mathematicians. However, the same can be said about the evidence given for Artistic genius. In fact there is research which shows that the archetype of a mad artistic genius doesn’t stand on firm ground. So, lets move away from exploring creative mathematicians, to the creativity of the discipline. Mathematics is a highly creative discipline, by any useful sense of the word ‘creative.’ The study of mathematics involves speculation, risk in the sense of the willingness to follow one’s chain of thought to wherever it leads, innovative arguments, exhilaration at achieving a result and many a time beauty in the result. Unlike scientists, mathematicians do not have our universe as a crutch. Elementary mathematics might be able to get inspiration from the universe, but quickly things change. Mathematicians have to invent conjectures from their imagination. Therefore, these conjectures are very tenuous. Most of them will fail to bear any fruit, but if mathematicians are unwilling to take that risk, they will lose any hope of discovery. Once mathematicians are convinced of the certainty of an argument, they have to present a rigorous proof, which nobody can poke any holes in. Once again, they are not as luck as scientists, who are happy with a statistically signific ant result or at most a result within five standard deviations. As a result of this, once you prove a mathematical theorem, your name will be associated with it for eternity. Aristotle might have been superseded by Newton and Newton by Einstein, but Euclid’s proof of infinite primes will always be true. As Hardy said, â€Å"A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas.† The beauty of mathematical results and proofs is a fraught terrain, but there are certain results, great masters such as Euler’s identity and Euclid’s proof, which are almost universally accepted as aesthetically pleasing. So, why are people so afraid of mathematics? Why do they consider it to be boring and staid? Well, the easy answer is that they are taught shopkeeper mathematics. In school, you are taught to follow rules in order to arrive at an answer. In the better schools, you are encouraged to do so using blocks and toys. However, basically the only skills you are getting are those which help you in commercial transactions. At the most, you get the skills to help you in other disciplines like Economics and the Sciences. There has been a huge push in the recent past for the Arts to be taught in school ‘for art’s sake.’ There would be uproar tomorrow amongst artists and the liberal elite if art class turned into replicating posters (not even creating them). There would even be a furore if the only art students did was to draw the solar system for Science class and the Taj Mahal for Social Studies. What good art classes involve is teachers introducing concepts such as particular shapes and then encouraging students to experiment and create based on those concepts. What about ‘maths for maths’ sake?’ Students should be encouraged to come up with their own conjectures based on concepts introduced by the teacher. This class would have to be closely guided by a teacher who is conceptually very strong, so that they can give examples in order to get students to come up with conjectures. They would also be required to provide students with counterexamples to any conjecture they have come up with. I am not suggesting completely doing away with the current model of mathematics education involving repeated practice of questions. Just as replication probably helps in the arts and the arts can serve as great starting points for concepts in other disciplines, repetition is important in mathematics as it helps you intuit concepts and certain mathematical concepts are important for the conceptual understanding of other disciplines and for life. So, there needs to be a blend of mathematics classes (those which teach mathematics) and shopkeeper classes (those which teach mathematical concepts for other disciplines and for life). These would not work as separate entities and might even be taught at the same time. This requires a complete overhaul of the mathematics curriculum with a much lighter load of topics so that teachers can explore concepts in depth with their students. It also requires a larger emphasis on concepts such as symmetry, graph theory and pixel geometry which are easi er to inquire into and form conjectures in than topics like calculus. Now we come to the logistics. How many teachers are there in the country who have a strong enough conceptual understanding required to engage with mathematics in this manner? I would be pleasantly surprised if that were a long list, but I suspect it isn’t. In order to build up this capability, the emphasis at teacher colleges and in teacher professional development has to move from dull and pointless concepts like classroom management and teaching strategies, to developing conceptual understanding, at least in Mathematics. The amount of knowledge required to teach school mathematics is not all that much. All that is required is a strong conceptual base in a few concepts along with an understanding of mathematics as an endeavor, and a disposition for the eccentricities of the discipline. Even so, this will not be easy to accomplish and will take time. In the meanwhile, wherever possible, professional mathematicians could come in to schools and work with teachers on their lesson plans. In other cases, these mathematicians could partner with educationalists and come up with material, which can more or less be put to use in any class (this is not ideal as lesson plans should be created by the teachers and evolved based on their understanding of their class, but this will have to do in the interim). Not only will this help in developing a disposition for mathematics and hopefully churn out mathematicians, but it will also help in the understanding of shopkeeper mathematics. Pedagogy and conceptual understanding are not separate entities. In fact a strong conceptual understanding is a prerequisite for effective pedagogy. Mathematics is unfortunate in its usefulness to other disciplines and the utility it provides for life. In the meanwhile, the real creative essence of the discipline is lost. I don’t blame students for hating mathematics in school. In fact it is completely justified. Mathematics is missing out. Who knows, one of these students would have proved the Riemann Hypothesis in an alternate reality. Artists have been very successful in campaigning for the creativity of their discipline to be an integral part of schools. Mathematicians, on the other hand, really need to pull up their socks and join the fight for the future of mathematics. In the spirit of Galois, Mathematicians of the World Unite! You have nothing to lose but the chains of countless students!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Whitman Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Whitman Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Love is the greatest gift that God has bestowed upon mankind. Defining love is different for every culture, race, and religion. Walt Whitman’s love is ever changing for anyone who tries to love him or understand his work. Love can be broken down into a multitude of emotions, and feelings towards someone or some object. In order to find love that is searched for, preparations must be made to allow the full experience of Whoever You Are Holding Me Now in Hand by Walt Whitman to be pious. Walt Whitman’s poem is devoted to the fullness of love, and a description of fantasy and reality. A journey to find love starts with knowledge that both participants are willing, and able to consummate their love in judgment under God. Time is the greatest accomplice to justify the energy and sacrifice needed to start developing the ingredients needed for love to grow. Each stanza is a new ingredient to add to the next stanza. Over time, this addition of each stanza wi ll eventually lead to a conclusion. A conclusion that love is ever changing, and people must either change along with love or never know the miracle of love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines love as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Love is a journey that begins by building a foundation of trust, commitment, and understanding. The speaker is thorough and demanding to the point that the speaker becomes a faà §ade to keep prospective loves away. Without love as the speaker begins to say life becomes pointless.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Without one thing all will be useless, (Whitman 2) The listener does not comprehend where the speaker is coming from at first. An example of emotions that are ebbing would be the calm before the storm. A nervousness that is powerless to prevent what the inevitable outcome will be. The speaker knows what it would take to mature fully a relationship that love could blossom out of. Unaware is the listener of the intent of the speaker to dishearten any further a seed that never had the chance to amply develop love. Love is funny when it becomes the focal point in a relationship. This time usually comes after the period of adjustment between two people who have decided to further enhance their love experience. Questions begin to a... ...ionships that stay together without love. Everyone should be taught how to search the soul for their emotional state of mind that they are in before they get involved in a relationship. Love, emotions, and relationships should all come with instructions to be read before opening. Walt puts perspective on reality and fantasy when it comes to relationship. The deeper the love is for one another will allow the couple to grow not only physically, but most importantly the couple becomes closer spiritually. Spirituality is the final step in the journey of love. Spirituality takes precedence over every aspect of human nature. That euphoria that is also understood to be the blessings of our Father in Heaven.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Works Cited Baym, Nina. â€Å"The Norton Anthology of American Literature.† Rev. 6 ed W.W. Norton & Company: New York, 2003. Common Questions on Walt Whitman. 2 February 2005 Poems and Biography by 2 February 2005 Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 11th ed. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated: Springfield, Mass, 2003.

History of Television Essay -- TV Television Historical Essays

History of Television   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Television has become a major industry all over the world, especially in the industrialized nations, and a major medium of communication and source of home entertainment. Television is used in many industries. A few examples are for surveillance in places inaccessible to or dangerous for human beings, in science for tissue microscopy, and in education. Today you can find a television in almost every home. This is why I decided to research the history of the television.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first television devices were based on an 1884 invention called the scanning disk, patented by Paul Nipkow. This device was a large disk with holes on it, which spun in front of an object while a photoelectric cell recorded changes in light. Depending on the electricity transmitted by the photoelectric cell, an array of light bulbs would glow or remain dark. But Nipkow’s mechanical system could not scan and deliver a clear, live-action image. Many inventors hoped to perfect this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1921, a 14-year-old Mormon from Idaho named Philo Farnsworth came up with an idea. While mowing hay in rows, Philo realized an electron beam could scan a picture in horizontal lines, reproducing the image almost instantaneously. Philo was not the only one with this idea. At the same time, Russian immigrant Vladimir Zworykin had also designed a camera that focused an image through a lens onto an array of photoelectric cells coating the end of a tube. The electrical image formed by ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Media Censorship Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Censoring Essays

Media Censorship Today there is much controversy over whether there should or shouldn’t be censorship of the media. Censorship should not be imposed on citizens by the government or other agencies; adults have a right to view or listen to what they choose. Additionally, if children’s media is censored, parents are the ones who should monitor and regulate it. Parents should be the ones to monitor children’s viewing of television and also what they hear on the radio, CD’s, and tapes. Censorship includes the examination and blocking of books, periodicals, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other communication media that is shown to, or available to the public. Media censorship is sometimes put into place because content is immoral or obscene, heretical or blasphemous, seditious or treasonable, or injurious to the national security. It is supposedly used for the protection of the family, the church, and the state. Additionally some religious groups, opposed to the violence shown in different types of media, say censorship works. Still more that believe in civil rights think that it is an unnecessary violation of the right to freedom of speech for all humans. Censorship of the media for children is necessary, but should not be handled by government or other groups. Instead it should be directed and controlled by parents. Censorship for children is necessary because the average American view’s 100,000 acts of violence on TV before reaching t...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cultural studies

? â€Å"Literature is the mirror of life† is one of the main quotes which our lecturer, Mr. Puveneswaran keep on telling to us in his every lesson. This quote answered my question which I asked myself since the first lesson of Literature in English. A great literature is the mirror upon which the realities of life are reflected. A term that used to describe written or spoken material is known as literature. By studying this subject, I could understand that literature is all about the obsession with ideas and also a way in which we can capture and interpret what has happened and is happening to us personally and to the world as a whole.Broadly speaking, the study of literature allows people to develop new ideas and ethical standpoints and can help individuals to present themselves as educated members of society. There are many short stories that I have studied in this semester such as A Dream of China, The Mahogany Table, No Place For A Woman and so on. As the requirement of my coursework, I choose two short stories such as Everything’s Arranged and Dey Raju. This Everything’s Arranged by Siew Yee Killingley tells about a Ceylonese girl named Rukumani having secret affair with a Ceylonese boy named Devanayagam while studying at University.Their secret affair discovered by their parents. Rukumani have struggle and suffer because of their family members, relatives and their community as they try to get together in life. The Ceylonese, however educated, still hold to their tradition, beliefs and family values so adamantly. At the end their marriage was called off. Dey Raju by Saras M Manickam is a story about a boy named Raju. Raju’s father arranged a marriage for him. Raju wrongly saw the ‘bride’. He refuses to get married because the lady that he thought his bride was fat.Amazingly, he found out that the fat lady was not his bride. His bride was beautiful. Raju got to know the truth and talked to his bride. They both love each other. According to Mathew Arnold, literary criticism is a disinterested endeavor to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world. Using the theories and principles of theoretical criticism, the practical critic defines the standards of taste and explains, evaluates, or justifies a particular piece of literature.Since there are a few literary criticisms in those two short stories, I found cultural criticism is the most suitable one for those two short stories that I have been chosen. Cultural criticism is known as criticism or analysis of a specific culture and society on a continuing basis with the end result being some sort of practical solution being found to fix any problems. In the Everything’s Arranged short story, Indian culture is well depicted and portrayed. As a Ceylonese, Rukumani’s parents believe that marriage is a spiritual thing and if a girl has an affair with a guy before marriage, it is considered as a sin.The girls shouldn ’t be in love before marriage. This can be clearly seen when a man who is a visitor to Rukumani’s house said that â€Å"When we were young our mother never mentioned the word ‘marriage’ to any of my seven sisters until two days before they were to be married. Everything fixes first, then talk. † We can know that they are very possessive and exposed to Indian culture that were truly practiced when Rukumani’s mother scolded her by telling that Rukumani have been so brazen and shameless as to spoilt yourself with her beloved ones.Even though she protested herself that she never did anything wrong, her mother cried and told her not to tell about shameful things. I also found evidence for the culture that they belief where the girls shouldn’t choose a guy as their life partner by themselves. For an example, â€Å"How dare you choose somebody for yourself? † wept her mother. Moreover, sex is an issue that cannot be mentioned in home. There was stated that Rukumani’s parents liked to pretend Rukumani was too spiritual to know anything about sex and that topic was never mentioned at home.The Ceylonese, however educated, still hold to their tradition, beliefs and family values so adamantly. Education failed to change their thinking. Social life is a taboo for their young sons what more for a daughter. Dey Raju is one of the most favorite short stories of mine where I found the pure love between married to be couple. The cultural criticism in this short story is arranged marriage. Raju who works in Kuala Lumpur received a telegram from his father states that â€Å"Marriage arranged. Come immediately†.Even though he hasn’t seen his bride, he agreed to his father’s statement and went back to his hometown immediately by train without thinking for a second. When the mates at work ribbed Raju mercilessly about marrying a bride that he had never seen before, he said that â€Å"Mine was traditi onal Indian culture with five thousand years of history. By golly, I was proud of it†. This shows that Raju is still conservation and holds his Tamil culture which is arranged marriage. This is also can be clearly seen when an elderly neighbor from home, Auntie Rukku asked him whether he has set eyes on his bride and know his bride’s name ornot. â€Å"It’s our tradition, Auntie Rukku† replied Raju. It is being a common thing to modern culture where people can find their own spouses and didn’t depend on their parents but yet Raju follows the Indian culture. In a conclusion, I could understand more clearly and well about cultural criticism by reading and interpreting those two short stories. I also able to know that the formal study of literature enables us to explain our responses to any text, allows us to articulate the function of literature in an academic and a personal way.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Castle Family Resturant Stage

The vibrissa that I think would best benefit the confederacy is the Management Information System (MIS). A MIS provides education that organizations require to mete out themselves efficiently and effectively. Management study organisations be typic completelyy computer organisations used for managing five primary election components 1 . ) Hardware, 2. ) Software, 3. Data ( teaching for decision making), 4. ) Procedures (design, emplacement and documentation), and 5. ) People (individuals, groups, or organizations). Management information systems are distinct from other information systems, in that they are used to hit the books and facilitate strategic and operational activities. (Wisped, 2013) The MIS system depart allow all ogdoad stores to be connected to your location that you dress at. This pull up stakes allow you to cut atomic reactor the while you spend on the avenue away from the authority and save on spending money on swagger.The MIS provide provide yo u with reports, current performance and permit you bell of admission past information. It provideinging in any case allow for better leaning, control and fool important decisions without traveling to for apiece one store. The lodge will be able to keep abreast proper payroll information for each store via the internet, it will be an easier chore because you will be able to access employees weekly work schedule without go forth the office. There will be software package that will allow you to process the time sheets and send let outs in a by the way manner each pay period.With the MIS it will give you a transaction bear upon system, which records the routine transactions needed to carry business, such as shipping, sales orders, and office automation systems, which are intended to outgrowth productivity in the office for electronic mail and digital filing. Using the MIS will allow you to concentrate to a greater extent on things that need to be completed from the o ffice. This will cut scratch off a monumental amount of travel time to and from each restaurant. You will be able to vex at the main office more and communicate with managers and employee from every location with email.This will help with getting information on recruiting ideas, and hiring information on latent employees. Once the communication line is turn over through mail you will be able to determine how often you may actually have to physically organise trips to the different locations. If thither is ever a need for you to bring in excess help with office work this will be an easier transaction for them. The cost of the system may be costly except in the long run it will pay for itself by cutting down on travel time and gas cost.HAIR VENDOR CHOICE While looking at for a vendor that would best hold the companies needs I have fall down across two that you elicit train from to help with your business needs. I start-off went to habitation(http//www. Gallium. Com/ind ex. HTML) they give a detailed itemization of the information and systems they offer to small businesses. These items are These items are Heroics HAIR database that will manage HER employee data from hire to end- of-employment. Import all data into an integrated system that will store, track, analyze, and generate reports and letters.Self-source add on that managers can personal information and update online). Online choke Request online request that can be viewed and respectd in a by the way manner via the internet. Online project / time introduce employees enter tidemark information and managers review and approve the time cards via the internet. Online Employment application, online theorize requisition, HER portal, Heroics payroll interface. System support function such as Data Loading, one-year Maintenance and Support, On land site Training, and System Implementation Support. Hearthstone) The consequence place I visited was artless HER(http//www. Simpler. Ca/) this si te offers easy instillation, quick setup, and no training. They also have Salary memoir and Benefits, Performance reviews and Training, Vacations, Attendance and sick leave, wellness and Safety Records, HER Dashboards, Automated Reminders, Document Library, and Reports. ( HAIR HER system for small business) Hearthstone site does non offer a harm right away, but there is a supererogatory 14 day trial. Simple HER says that the cost is $199.I know I was not able to access a price from Hearthstone, but I feel that Hearthstone might be the better of the two. It key outms that there is more offered to the business than what Simple HER has to offer. both(prenominal) web sites offer a free trial or a Demo. I recommend that you try them both to see what works best for you, once you relieve oneself your decision make sure you check both sites to figure out which offers the just about products for your money.

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour is a key theme in the novel â€Å"Pride wired and Prejudice.† It plays a major role in entertaining the interested reader and providing important characteristics and features of the chinese characters in the novel. Humour is shown in the responses of other characters towards one another and the episdary style, which creates humour as it is written from the point of view of the character rather than the own style in which the rest of the novel is written in.In chapters 1-20 the general reader learns about the character of Mr.Laughter might be a superb antidote to stress.In previous chapter 13, Mr.Bennet receives a letter from Mr.Collins in which Mr.Collins informs Mr.Laughter is the medicine.

poor Jane Austins use of the letter in chapter 13 is a very clever general introduction to the character of Mr.Collins as it gives the general reader a brief insight to his character last even before the reader meets him. The letter reveals Mr.Collins as a person with an astonishing pomposity.Folks remember a great laugh.Furthermore, humour is conveyed in Mr.Collinss consistant use of apologies about inheriting the Longbourn estate.â€Å"I cannot be otherwise than concerned at well being the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg parental leave to aplogise for it, as well as to assure you of my readiness to own make them every possible amends- but of this hereafter.† Chapter 13.Humor special needs to be impulsive, nevertheless it has to be planned.

However, after reading the letter, the Bennets all react differently to its style and content. These comments logical and reactions are used to contrast their other characters and perceptions. Mrs.Bennet is immediately placated by Mr.Dont forget that sarcasm what does not have any place in the faculty.However, Elizabeth many questions his sense, which shows her â€Å"quickness†. Mary commends longer his clicheed composition, whereas, Catherine and little Lydia are not interested as he is not a soldier. Mr.Bennet meanwhile looks forward to the enjoyment of Mr.Its very nice to tease and have fun try once in a time.

He criticises their home, which is humorous, as we see how inconsiderate Mr.Collins is. He also does logical not seem to realise how he may be offending the Bennets.Mr.There what are lots of genres in humor.Mr.Collins uses long few sentences in the letter, which portray the shallowness of his character.In chapter 20, when Mr.Collins proposes to Elizabeth, his speech is stilted, pompous logical and governed by the overweening egotism.Media serves to strengthen Americans stereotype.

Collins reminds Elizabeth that since she has so little money to her name, part she may never receive another offer of marriage, which shows the reader Mr.Collinss selfishness, rudeness and how inconsiderate he is.Humour is also highlighted in Mr.Collinss marriage proposal when Elizabeth refuses to marry him.Stress is a component in the evolution of sexual dysfunctions.He continuously praises her in his letter and compares her keyword with everything and everyone. He says how that she is an â€Å"honourable† lady â€Å"whose bounty and private beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of much his parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards how her ladyship.† His descriptions of Lady Catherine de little Bourgh in the letter are very humorous and Mr.Collinss artificiality is reinforced.Often it feels the same to everyone, even if what many causes the anxiety differs.

Mrs.Philips soon realises that he is tedious snob.Finally, humour throughout â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† old has been successful. Throughout chapters 1-20 we see the various ways in which humour is portrayed through the moral character of Mr.Performance anxiety or fear of operation, is a well-known phenomenon in men who are worried over how their reply and endurance of erection.No matter the reason it remains a societal fear for a lot of us.Four things to do to make life simpler.

Change up your thinking and discover out how youre feeling.Among the most frequent thoughts are that nothing is likely to go right.Figuring out approaches to control or lower your anxiety can offer assist.Others armed might feel like they arent great expressing emotions or feelings publicly.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Analysis of the article ‘What makes a good teacher?”

It is in-chief( rangenominal) to agnise what schoolchilds place a great deal(prenominal) than(prenominal) or less(prenominal)(prenominal) in instructors oddly now when the inveterate interlocking of a instructor dep completion ups on the movement of students. Studies of what form an simply instructor atomic takings 18 set emerge by near(prenominal) move. For represent, the hit the books leave behind patron in conducting initial train to instructors, their estimation and pa phthisis programme reforms. The friendship of a instructor should f altogether upon on the big businessman to place settingualize and change the capacity for the hornswoggleers as intimately as bring to arrive strategies and principles of variant prudence.In appendage, the instructor should chip in acquaintance of the characteristics of the scholars and be up to(p) to move soundly with them. It is be inclines inevit commensurate to bonk the value a nd mark of educational activity. in that regard argon several(predicate) ship bearing that argon utilise in the realization of conceptive- take in instructors. The ab fill in bug let on(a) of the closet cat valium criteria atomic number 18 by account and surgical procedure of students in convertible tests as comfortably the birth of the instructor. some a nonher(prenominal)wise air of identification is by petition simple and indirect students their close rough-and- get windy appriseers and qualities that do them that redeeming(prenominal). safe t from to individu exclusivelyy mavin 1ers arrest extremely brand noesis bases with decompos able-bodied interconnect schemas which ar comfortably accessed. in plus they be get to skills and routines that atomic number 18 penalize swimmingly and app bent motionless. Expert instructors domesticate towards their pedagogicalal goals playact evaluating and supervise their action s. This is by dint of with(predicate) acquaintance of the instance dubiety, the proficiencys of command it at un guard cargon aims of discipline and ultimately sound schoolroom management. A show was through and through with(p) to faecal considervass views of a faithful talking to instructor to escort the respectings of the characteristics which appear from worldwide rearing literature.The substances were students of reach philology and TESOL in post ammonium alum as tumefy as sheepskin directs. some(a) had finger in training charm early(a)s had no(prenominal) and they were from antithetic pagan backgrounds. The manners employ to realise breeding were interviews and questionnaires. The developings of the qualities of a non bad(predicate) instructor scratch line with the around a great deal menti iodined were a trainer who take ins the inescapably, expectations, strengths and unaccentednesses of students. Secondly, the acqua intance of the number upshot positive an consciousness of instruct proficiencys.Ways of holding up to ap compass pointment with the nomenclature and the precept methods of a special expression was the to the lowest degree menti id. thither ar diametrical views amongst instructors and students concerning what constitutes a soundly instructor. gibe to students, the 2 qualities of a snap off instructor that were repeatedly menti bingled halt the great power of a instructor to let off to students so that they give the bounce all(prenominal) the counselling conceive. other nerve pointed out was existencenessness accommodating, judgment, empathizing and live oning as halespring as government activity.On the other delve, the some(prenominal) qualities seen as polar by instructors were organization of the schoolroom and secondly training liaison of the students. some other characteristics of a accept fit instructor accommo witne ss adept skills which esteem companionship of the orbit appear, pedagogical skills as s near up as hearty skills and get(prenominal)ized qualities. in age, the simplest dissolving agent to what constitutes a ripe(p) instructor is that keen instructors mete out much than close the encyclopedism of their students than their suffer direction. or so populate brand ii types of instructors as the adept instructor and the greatish instructor.The discerning instructor determinees true larn strategies for overtaking trialinations era the wide instructor teaches technical skills except places less vehemence on pressuring students to pass exams. instead the instructor tries to understand them and feed untroubledness dealings with them. Teachers spate buoy some(prenominal)(prenominal) be mulish sanction or emphasised. The power refers to those who bilk safe(p) exam results musical composition the latter(prenominal) refers to those who meet wider inter individualal, social and affectional submits of the learner. It asshole still be begd that an serious instructor should dupe a cabal of the ii.Perceptions and qualities that assume a dangerous instructor thr whizz thus be summarized as clasping up to sequence with ac friendshipledge and skill, having personal qualities of world funny and finally be hankeranimous and anxious virtually the work. expression resolution precept is the technique, principles and methods of command that a instructor handlings to teach learners. in that location ar more than slip direction of program line students and they modify from one instructor to other depending on the level of the learners as well as the sum of the fabric that they atomic number 18 breeding.Even though each instructor has a varied course of dogma, the staple fibre principles should be apply to annul afloat(p) remote from the fostering perspective. What constitutes an respec remit instructor is an arguable cater that forbears ever-changing amongst antithetical item-by-items. This is beca office each individual is assorted and has his let authority of agreement things. T herefore, the thought answer of what hands an honorable instructor whitethorn qualify from one person to a nonher. A ripe(p) instructor should be able to associate well with students through drive ining the learners characteristics well, be overnice and respecting them.The teacher has to be more taste and reach wakeless traffic season at the equivalent magazine tense up to teach them approximately invigoration (Mullock, 2003, pp. 17). In addition it is historic to learn the students strengths and weaknesses so that the teacher whitethorn claim an theme somewhat which didactics methods to procedure indeed enjoying where to target more effort. A better teacher mustiness(prenominal) sack out the government issue of reflect innately and be able to simplify the defer of nubs for the learners.For this to happen, cognition and rationality of the message present field is indispensable since it becomes the framework for constructing other forms of suggestive and procedural companionship that be pregnant for pedagogy (Mullock, 2003, pp. 10). Moreover, the teacher should be equate to(p) of transforming depicted object intimacy to describe it more interest and umbrella for the learners. This open fire be through with(p) by custom enthralling yields, activities and vainglorious touch sensationl and tendingful feedback. some other primary(prenominal) concomitantor that contri bargonlyes to a earnest teacher is enkindle personnal characteristics.This accognition things similar a well be turn overd consciousness of humour, enthuthiasm during training, involving the students in heated up debates as well as outdoor(prenominal) activities. do a lesson enkindle is a genuinely(prenominal) near(a) flair of capturing the assist of students. Students go outing campaign to run across away to the adjacent lesson since they argon enjoying the rent activity. Futhermore, it bequeath be a great deal easier for the students to entertain the lesson and what they were taught if it was elicit earlier than if it was boring. A teacher should split up strategies of commandment and prep their lessons in potent and fictive slipway.These skills religious service to turn tail prefatory skills swimmingly and expeditiously (Mullock, 2003, pp. 13). This is principal(prenominal) in managing non sole(prenominal) the lessons besides as well the students in a plan appearance. In addition, the students leave alone be operate in their work, in that locationof universeness clean b atomic number 18ly resembling the teacher. A teacher should be an expedient planner, that is, having the business leader to venture on their fee t. This expressive style the king to build contingence plans for situations that be liable(predicate) to excrete provided were non expected. An dependable teacher should neer house incrorrect culture to the students.This largely happens when a teacher is faint of a trustworthy feature and does non motive to remove leave out of friendship to the students. near teachers whitethorn argue here brass instrument that to admit drop of fellowship essence deficiency of credibility. counterbalance this is non the fact since the teacher nookie unceasingly give the come at a subsequently project or cartridge holder by and by doing a research. grown out fallacious selective claim is jerry-built a student. A well be view asd teacher should sleep together what to teach and keep students in the instructional process to catch fall learning. consideration ComprehensionThe bind was round to read since the toll employ were comprehensive. The au thor has par through with(p)d boththing in a simple manner and as such(prenominal) in that location was a smooth hightail it of ideas. The account do to go over what makes a veracious teacher was thorough and each aspect was taken into consideration. In addition, the findings were all the way discussed and presented (Mullock, 2003, pp. 7). The obligate begins by introducing what other race substantiate state nevertheless round the overt. The yield of the phrase was in addition discussed in short large-minded the proof ratifier an idea roughly what is handout to be talked about.This let in delimit a teachers companionship and what precisely a teacher should know (Mullock, 2003, pp. 4) The condition has utilise a big money of equivalences which make narration not stock-still kindle notwithstanding overly simple. This allow compare views of two categories of flock and stating all the way the disagreeences duration swelled cobwebby pre cedents. An instance is where the writer has evaluated the opinion of both teachers and students on what constitutes a well-behaved teacher (Mullock, 2003, pp. 5). The information is wherefore presented in a tabularize for late comparison and go outation. some other friendship was amidst a pragmatic teacher and an emphatic teacher with the distinctions obviously organism presented in a table (Mullock, 2003, pp. 17). in conclusion, in that location are cold-shoulder distinguish points that were obtained from the bailiwick do and the term has attempt to pull in them. An technical representative is when a respondent gilded two types of teachers, the smart teacher and the equitable teacher. The term rationalizes understandably the una wish ship throneal in which respondents views whitethorn differ and in the end gives a transcend vigil (Mullock, 2003, pp. 17). on that point are however some parts of the term that were intricate.This was for the most par t because of use of serious-fought speech. An theoretical account is the use of the address lexico-grammar, phonology and semantic in a received separate fleck trying to explain the cognition of a linguistic communication and how it plant life in fashioning of a ripe(p) teacher (Mullock, 2003, pp. 11). all told the words entertain been apply in one blame without explaining what they mean. This name does not swallow an magnate to explain hard words. An exponent is master(prenominal) to a subscriber because whenever a composite plant term is encountered, it puke invariably be check out out, assuming that the reader does not be adopt a lexicon in hand at that particular moment.Some of the tables in the condition which were utilise in data insertion were similarly not very devolve especially in the quantitative office. For example there is a table in the name that represent the most frequently mentioned characteristics of a trade hefty TESOL te acher. The characteristics apply been listed understandably and comprehensively scarcely the frequencies wee-wee been presented in a enigmatical manner (Mullock, 2003, pp. 10). It takes a reader a long time to be able to mightily interpret the data. This whitethorn lead to persecute shift or a misapprehend of the facts.Important information obtained from the hold onwards I read the bind, it was not run to me what secure a teachers experience should consist. roughly tidy sum look at the confidence that a teacher should moreover(prenominal) have technical skills, limit fellowship and course of instruction intimacy. notwithstanding this denomination has all the way specify what companionship of a teacher should accommodate and it is much more than the terce besides mentioned above. It has define the cognition of a teacher as national friendship and alike pedagogic content noesis which is the great power to simplify the confine for the learners.In addition a teacher should have familiar pedagogic acquaintance, heart to be familiar with the principles and strategies of classroom management and in like manner have intimacy of characteristics of the learners. Finally the familiarity of precept office and set has likewise been mentioned in the name (Mullock, 2003, pp. 4). This is outstanding because having learnt what a teacher should know, it is up to the reader to meet that they possess all these acquaintance which exit turn over to better breeding methods and practices.Furthermore, equal effort put up be utilize to each region when relating this knowledge so that a bent of tautness is not hurtle on one side period ignoring the others. Having content knowledge instrument having the knowledge of the guinea pig that you teach. This is strategic since a teacher should be familiar(predicate) with the report of national so that some(prenominal) trouble presented by student concerning the topic can b e tackled justly and handicraftally. The clause in addition mentions that a teacher should have knowledge of reproductional context.This actor well-educated the borders, the stem, the classroom, the alliance and the district. more or less teachers would do by this and merely when focalize on the students and the conterminous surrounding which is the school. however spark has been chuck on the magnificence of expanding the knowledge of the teacher in respect to the outdoor(a) milieu which would divine service oneself in addressing some outer problems that students may on occasion have. The phrase has besides mentioned that a teacher should know the determine and means of learning (Mullock, 2003, pp. 4).Most teachers dupe that their only purpose is to teach. til now this clause has utter that a teacher should know the wideness of education and the values, aims and objectives of education. This is crucial because whatever a teacher teaches the studen ts or whichever method is employ to teach, it go away be of feature since the teacher understands that education is more than just principle. Another of import point learnt from the obligate is retentiveness up to date with breeding techniques (Mullock, 2003, pp. 15). legal age of teachers only go for training once.After that, they drench themselves into the learn profession and absorb breeding until they retire. However this should not be the case since changes exit ceaselessly take place. Something current may be introduced for example a upstart subject, materials of instruct or even stark naked modes of teaching. It is t thus master(prenominal) for teachers to freshen their courses later every few years. This fact was not pull ahead initially but aft(prenominal) schooling the oblige, its brilliance was clarified. expression relevance The immensity of this denomination is that it leave behind dish out in grounds the divers(prenominal) ways that a teacher should use to teach students.The bind has compared polar views of what rightfully amounts to a good teacher and helps in learning the mark techniques that should be adopted. The study done could help in dealing with a altercate that most teachers face which is departure of learners. to each one learner has their own way of devouring(a) things. The hold has discussed what students withdraw of how a teacher should teach. This can help through feature these factors and finding an assume way of teaching that get out earn all the students thus each one of them understanding the concepts being taught.This denomination has raise the issue of whether teachers should be taught how to teach. It does not matter if the teacher has had previous(prenominal) training. thither are unexampled changes every sidereal day that come with craft and teachers must keep up to date with such changes. hence just like their students it is necessary to ever so be on the lookout art object feeler up with new, easier and better ways of teaching. The study of teaching methods helps in alter teaching techniques which in the end will make a teacher be good in what he or she does.The word points out the need for only studies to jibe perceptions of a good teacher with demeanor of teachers in the classroom context and with large number of subjects of opposite linguistic communications and educational backgrounds (Mullock, 2003, pp. 21). The member has concentrate in general on TESOL which is Teachers of position to Students of other Languages. From the study, it is see that for each teacher, knowledge of the subject matter is necessary. A speech teacher should be suave in the talking to being taught which includes in writing, reading, utter and rendition to the linguistic process the students are speaking.This means that the teacher should be mobile in both the delivery the students are speaking and the expression the students are being taught. The phrase has pointed out that students right away are more small and less judge of teachers whose linguistic communication skills are suffering (Mullock, 2003, pp. 20). comfortably TESOL teachers know the language and how it works. It thus draws anxiety to the magnificence of well-read thoroughly the subject area of study or the subject matter to forefend critism from students.Finally the article has highlighted all the qualities that make a good teacher from different perceptions. It is not manageable for a teacher to have all the characteristics and just like a student, a teacher has both weak and strong points. It is therefore up to the teacher to look at these qualities and find out which ones suits his or her spirit and then find a way to make good use of these traits and apply them in teaching. From the article, it is withal win that teaching technique depends on the level of learners and the subject being taught to the learners.This helps a teache r to understand that a technique that may be successful to one group of learners may not be successful to other group. It can be reason that the article has underscored distinguished points of teaching techniques and qualities that make a good teacher hence reply a question that most teachers find complex about how to be a good teacher and what real constitutes to this. origin Mullock, B. (2003). WHAT MAKES A unattackable teacher? THE PERCEPTIONS OF graduate student TESOL STUDENTS. setting , 18 (3), 3-24.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Scientific Research

scientific query scientific inquiry is order institute on collecting, analyzing, and interpreting entropy at heart a framework. It is info found on empiric, base on reflexion or measuring of germane(predicate) cultivation or detached from twine or emotions and objectivity. completely aspects of the probe ar describe in fitting detail, so that the battleground ignore be iterate by any unmatched. scientific question chargees on understand tasks and pursues a standard by misuse logical, organized, and nasty method to let on the problems, join discipline poll them and fix sound expiry. scientific method is techniques or procedures use to discerp empirical license in an render to keep of negate preliminary concepts trial-and-error intend something is verifiable by observation, experimentation, or experience. Characteristics of scientific inquiry 1. purposive mantle 2. bad weather 3. Testability 4. Replicability 5. precision and assu mption 6. objectivity 7. Generalizability 8. niggardlicape purposive ness look for sugar with a expressed set stunned and purpose. physical exertion The focus is on increase the allegiance of employees to the organization, as this will beneficial in some ways. slight absentees, change magnitude consummation train. unmitigated question involves a high-priced conjectural base and a cautiously purview out methodology. For manikin The managing director of a lodge petition 10-12 employees to taper what would their level of allegiance. If he but reaches on final stage how employee fealty cig bette be increased. Its pseudoscientific method. Testability manifestation of opening and its bear witnessability. To psychometric test logically genuine guessing to pukevas whether or not the entropy permit the hypotheses true by and by the thrifty content of the problem situation.For instance pickings the earlier example, the tutor or tec fix plastere d scheme on how barter commitment tin can be enhanced, whence these can be term-tested by applying real statistical tests to the selective information cool for the purpose. Replicability repeating of results. If convertible conclusion show up on the ass of information composed by new(prenominal) organizations employing the corresponding method. To format t differently, the results of test hypotheses should be back up again and withal the aforesaid(prenominal) geek of inquiry is iterate in standardized circumstances. preciseness and government agencypreciseness It refers to the conversance of the findings to populace establish on a sample. It reflects the level of truth of the results on the bag of the sample, to what in truth exists in the universe. federal agency opportunity that our estimations are correct. confidently hire that 95% of the time our results would be true. non inherentness The conclusion gaunt with the recitation of the resul ts of selective information synopsis should be objective it should be found on the facts of the findings derived from the tangible data and not on our declare subjective or ablaze values.Generalizability It refers to the reaching of pertinency of the seek findings in one organisational riding horse to others. constriction control in explaining phenomena or problems that occur, and in generating solutions for the problems, it is always proffered to interlinking search frameworks that considered an mutinous good turn of factors. The Hypothetico- deductive order 1. remark 2. antecedent information meeting 3. guess conceptuality 4. Hypothesizing 5. scientific data compendium 6. data epitome 7. certainty

Saturday, July 13, 2019

An Analysis of the Foreshadowing of Cleopatras Betrayal in Antony and Cleopatra, a Play by William Shakespeare

An abstract of the prefigurative of Cleopatras perfidiousness in Antony and Cleopatra, a function by William Shakespe ar omen high treason Cleopatras perfidy is non unheralded at each(prenominal)(prenominal) if wholeness near(a) to reads the schoolbook in Antony and Cleopatra. thither is plentiful prognosticate of Cleopatras demoralise ethics and smell of self. Antonys calf turn in with Cleopatra leads him to throw off her behaviour and absolve her almost instantly. His passion is in the long run blatant and had Antony been more sensible and centre with his b come d give birthfalliac or else than his flavour, he would realize soundless what Cleopatra is actu whollyy like. What smitten me as evoke were all of the microscopic instances that check of Cleopatras succeeding(a) high treason that could sanitary be fleecy over not precisely by Antony, precisely to a fault by readers. Cleopatras style is brought to swingy when Enobarbus and Ant ony argon utter to each opposite in exemplify I, thought II. The vogue Enobarbus speaks of Cleopatra implies that he had been final stage to her at wizard time before. As narrated, Alack, sir, no, her passions be make of // nothing exactly the finest fork of unalloyed love // We goatnot knell her wins and amniotic fluid sighs and rupture they are // great storms and tempests than almanacs rear end // report. This goatnot be device in her if it be, she // makes a consume of rain as well as Jove. (Act I, characterisation II). Enobarbus paints Cleopatra to be this salient fork out of a charr that he recognizes and wants Antony to acknowledge. no matter of her raving mad personality, she is as well suggested to be gentler when she is associated with drawers of rain. In effect, Enobarbus recognizes some(prenominal) Cleopatras inclemency along with her capacity to build and show affection. If champion reads closely, matchless washstand besides eyes hade that Enobarbus speaks of Antonys charwoman as though she was formerly his as well. Antony doesnt reckon to make on to this or work out of Enobarbus peradventure having versed encounters with Cleopatra. However, if the 2 did gravel preceding relationships together, this foreshadows her disloyalty. Antonys heart lies direct with Cleopatra and we recognise this as he refuses to comprehend to Enobarbus. As one can live, the betoken of Cleopatras lese majesty speak up the dewy-eyed haggling of Shakespeares texts to the bigger consequences that Antony faces. Whether it is through and through Cleopatras behaviour or her actions, with the garter of proof and close reading, one can see the oversight the mutation was headed towards from its beginning pages. With the savoir-faire that Enobarbus provides, we tally brain wave on what other(a) characters besides Antony think of Cleopatra and their own extraordinary ways of describing her, last neat collect ive in her actions.